Do you ever want to be known as “The World’s Biggest ___(fill-in-the-blank)”? Some people achieve that title without planning it all out. Ryan Anderson lives in Australia and has become known as “The World’s Biggest Dog Lover.” Those are pretty big words to fill, let’s see how he lives up to them.

Image Credit: aussiedogguy / Instagram
First, Ryan works for the RSPCA as an animal welfare inspector. Second, during his free time, he fosters and volunteers with dogs.

Image Credit: aussiedogguy / Instagram
Every single day, his life is dedicated to dogs and making the lives of the dogs he meets better. Ryan says he started out volunteering on the weekends.

Image Credit: aussiedogguy / Instagram
He also went to events and fostered dogs, and then he started to promote rescue dog events. Initially, Ryan’s goal was to take a picture of every dog breed in the world.

Image Credit: aussiedogguy / Instagram