In a perfect world, the people on welfare actually need welfare. We have heard story after story about how people take advantage of the welfare system.
For those hardworking people out there, it is hard to understand how someone could be so willing to take advantage of a system designed to benefit others.

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Nim Murphy, 27, used to work as a roadie for festivals and music shows, but she quit.
Murphy claims her size 12HH breasts cause her too much pain to work and even exercise properly.

Image Credit: N/A
Murphy also has stated that she has cervical lordosis, which is when the spine curves outward (not inward).

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Cervical lordosis is not caused by having large breasts, but it does contribute to her discomfort.

Image Credit: Current Affairs / Nine News
In an interview with a news station in Australia, Murphy said she can’t afford breast reduction surgery, but is in desperate need of the procedure.

Image Credit: Current Affairs / Nine News
She claims that she doesn’t want to be on welfare and not do something with her life.
A breast reduction procedure, like Murphy’s’, is considered medical in nature (not simply cosmetic).

Image Credit: Current Affairs / Nine News
Unfortunately, her situation isn’t an emergency, so she will have to wait in a very long line.
Dr. Dan Kennedy, a plastic surgeon, says a study was done that followed 200 women after their breast reduction surgeries and they all experienced a significant improvement in their well being and health just one year after the procedure.

Image Credit: Current Affairs / Nine News
I can’t imagine what life would be like if I couldn’t go to work and was forced to be on welfare to wait for surgery.
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