The doctor caved under the pressure and actually did the procedure. Esmat said that they were having a hard time finding a mate for the dog because of its ears. I don’t think dogs are as hung up on looks as people are.

Image Credit: Breaking News / YouTube
It is possible that the owners of the other dogs just didn’t like Esmat! After the surgery, the dog’s ear now can lay flat on its head.
The vet reports that the dog is fine. Sure, except that the dog was mutilated. People around the world were horrified to learn that the dog was forced to undergo this procedure.

Image Credit: Breaking News / YouTube
If you truly love your dog, you will not force them to undergo a cosmetic procedure. I wonder how much the procedure cost. I wish I had that much extra cash! If I did, I certainly wouldn’t spend it to mutilate my dog!
Hopefully we won’t ever hear that Esmat has done more damage to her poor dog in the future. Share away, people.