The American Flag is a symbol of our country. So many people have no idea what it really stands. Recently, a video surfaced of a Pennsylvania woman peeing on the American Flag on the Fourth of July. She is now receiving death threats.

Image Credit: Facebook
Emily Lance was the person who shared the video on Facebook with the caption “F*** your nationalism. F*** your country. F*** your stupid f***ing flag.” A person on Craigslist even put a $3,000 bounty on her head. I am sorry, what did this immature person think was going to happen when she posted the video?

Image Credit: N/A
Did she think people would praise her for disrespecting the flag?
Freedom of speech is one thing, but her actions go beyond speech, she urinated on the flag. Grow up. To those people who threatened her life – thank you for your patriotism. Share away, people.