When Rosie first moved in to her new home, one of many terrace houses all connected with one path running through them in the back, she had no idea that she’d garner a secret admirer!

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Rosie wasn’t sure what to think when beautiful pink petals began to appear on her porch. They’d show up almost daily, and it wasn’t long before it began to look quite romantic out there. But Rosie never could have guessed exactly who her secret admirer was!
The romantic culprit? Willow, the cat of one of her neighbors! It was an exciting day when Rosie caught Willow leaping into her garden with a flower in her mouth, before ceremoniously dropping it on the porch. She’d been stealing flowers from her own home to give them to Rosie!

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Rosie and Willow met very soon after Rosie moved in. She’d left her glass doors open and was greeted by the cat sleeping in her hallway, acting like it was her own home! It became a habit soon after, and when Rosie leaves the doors closed, Willow will paw at the door and meow, demanding to be let in.

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But it’s not just Rosie’s house that Willow thinks she owns – it’s virtually all of the neighbors!

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Rosie sees cardboard boxes and cat food and treats being left outside of the houses just for Willow, who pretty much rules six gardens now, as cats do!

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Willow continues to visit Rosie almost every day, and Rosie loves her so much that Willow now has a special spot on the couch for nap times, and in turn, Willow keeps bringing her flowers.

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It’s like her little way of saying thank you and that she appreciates Rosie! Willow loves the attentions she receives from her neighbors, and Rosie loves having Willow around, so it’s a win-win!

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