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Woman Hears Cries Coming From The Dumpster And Saves This Rare Kitten From Dying

She wasn’t going to let him go.

abandoned kitten

Image Credit: Vodkaholy / Imgur

Fast forward four months!

abandoned kitten

Image Credit: Vodkaholy / Imgur

Martyr is quite a bit bigger now and is a happy boy!

abandoned kitten

Image Credit: Vodkaholy / Imgur

He loves to sit on his human’s shoulder.

abandoned kitten

Image Credit: Vodkaholy / Imgur

I wouldn’t be able to part with any animal I rescued. In fact, the two cats I found wandering outside have never left my house. I found them both outside in the yard and to this day, neither one has any interest in going back outside I did try to find their owners, but there was never a doubt in my mind that once they came into my life, it would be hard to let them go.

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