Aww, look at this calico kitten – he seems to be having a rough life so far! His name is Martyr. Martyr was found in a dumpster by a woman. His eyes were still closed, and he was crying for his mom.
Before he had reached the age of one week, he had a broken leg and a bad paw. The kind woman took the tiny calico boy home and began to feed him.

Image Credit: Vodkaholy / Imgur
The tiny kitten soon got stronger and gained weight. Being a calico male is a rare thing. Calico males are one in 3,000 (or 0.03%) of the calico cat population. Because he is a calico, Martyr is sterile.

Image Credit: Vodkaholy / Imgur
But he is too young to even care about such things! He is a normal, happy kitten in every respect. Even though the woman that found Martyr has rescued many animals, there was something special about Martyr.

Image Credit: Vodkaholy / Imgur