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Woman Thinks Engagement Ring Is Small Then Finds The Receipt And Shames Fiance Online

She said her fiancé makes a 6-figure salary and could have afforded a bigger and better ring! Ok, at this point, the woman has gone too far! She can be unhappy about the ring, but to post the receipt and tell the world that she isn’t happy with it is too much.

engagement ring

Image Credit: Ramsay / Wikimedia Commons

Can’t she talk to her fiancé about it? Why did she have to post her grievances online? If she can’t have an honest conversation with her future husband, what hope does their marriage have?

Marriage is not about the size of the diamond, it is about the love you share.

engagement ring

Image Credit: BattershellTactical / Pixabay

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See Also:
How To Determine And Measure Your Ring Size Accurately