When Pickle, a Sphynx cat, and her siblings arrived at the ASPCA in New York, they were in terrible shape. The three-week-old kittens all had terrible upper respiratory infections. Pickle was the only one that survived.
But she had a list of conditions: hypoglycemia, extreme corneal ulcers, and respiratory concerns. Dr. Danielle Delfino met and treated Pickle. She knew that she and Pickle were going to be a family.

Image Credit: Danielle Delfino
Dr. Delfino had secretly always wanted to adopt a Sphynx cat, and this was the one!

Image Credit: Danielle Delfino
Pickles arrival couldn’t have been more perfect. At home, Delfino had a cat named Andy and a pit bull called Olive. Andy and Olive couldn’t have been happier to welcome their new sister into the house.

Image Credit: Danielle Delfino