This dog was found at Echo Lake in Fort Worth, Texas by Judy Obregon. That area is a known dumping ground for unwanted animals. When Judy saw the dog, she thought he was dead. But then he took a breath! Judy rushed him to the vet.

Image Credit: The Abandoned Ones
Judy is known as the “Dog Lady” because she has saved so many dogs from a tragic end. Judy runs the rescue organization called The Abandoned Ones (TAO). She gives dogs that were abandoned a second chance for a happy life.

Image Credit: The Abandoned Ones
The sad fact is that the majority of dogs that are dumped at Echo Lake once had been bait dogs in dog fighting rings. They are dumped at Echo Lake to die. Judy actually goes to Echo Lake every day to check for any new arrivals.

Image Credit: The Abandoned Ones
Sometimes, she finds a dog that died before she could get there. Other times, she finds a dog that is still alive and can help save them. The dog she just found had a long road ahead, but he was still alive.

Image Credit: The Abandoned Ones
The dog, named Blue, seemed to have ingested some poison. With time, Blue improved. He started to drink water and eat. Finally, he was strong enough to go out for a walk. When his recovery is complete, Blue will be put up for adoption.
TAO is comprised of a team of rescuers, animal advocates, and volunteers who all work tirelessly to help rescue animals and find them forever homes. They strive to educate the public about how to care for their pets.
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