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Woman Spends $10,000 A Year On Vet Bills And Opens Home Up To 90 Rescue Animals

It’s a common cheesy joke that women tend to spend too much money on certain things.

Clothes, shoes, makeup, and hair treatments are just a few of the stereotypical things that people jokingly say that ladies spend major money on.

For one woman, the $10,000 she spends annually on one specific expense is completely worth it.

Adri Rachelle’s home is a haven for more than 90 pets she has helped rescue.

She has no qualms about spending more than $10,000 annually on trips to the vet, food and anything else her rescue pets may need.

She even spent an additional $10,000 to make her guest house a pet-friendly sanctuary.

She even had a camera system put in so that she can always make sure her furry and feathered friends are doing well.

Adri’s home houses dozens of dogs, cats, birds, hamsters, and rabbits.

However, she also shares her space with more unique animals like goats, peacocks, pigs, chickens, ducks, and mini cows.

She calls her 11,000-square-foot home her own “little piece of paradise.”

She has been passionate about animals for as long as she can remember, and she has worked her entire life to make sure she helps as many animals as possible.

While 90 animals may seem like a bit much, Adri says that she wouldn’t have it any other way.

She enjoys providing care, love and sanctuary to her animal friends.