Jemma Beale, a 25-year-old lesbian, lied about being raped and it sent Mahan Cassim to jail for seven years! Beale claimed Cassim had raped her after giving her a ride home in November 2012. At the time, Beale claimed she had never had sexual intercourse with a man. It was later revealed that she had had sex with her boyfriend when she was a teenager.

Image Credit: Central News
Beale didn’t stop there -she told police that in July 2012, she was groped by a stranger (named Noam Shazad) and then gang raped! Shazad, who was charged with sexual assault, skipped out on his bail and left the country.

Image Credit: Central News / Gustavo Valiente
In 2013, Beale once again claimed she was raped – by six men this time. As Beale tells it, two men assaulted her near her home and then she was gang raped again by four other men just two months later.

Image Credit: Central News