Premature babies face a hard-uphill climb to survive because their organs haven’t had time to develop fully.
According to the Mayo Clinic, some of the complications associated with preterm births include immature lungs, poor feeding, slow weight gain, and difficulty regulating body temperature.

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Most preterm babies require more intense care in the nursery, special medication, and even surgery.
Preemies will stay in the neonatal intensive care unit until their organs are working on their own.

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Doctors did not give Walter Joshua Fretz any chance of survival when he came into the world several months early.

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Alexis Fretz had had a normal pregnancy until one day, she felt a sharp pain and started to bleed heavily.
The doctors had no choice but deliver her son – Alexis had been only 19 weeks pregnant (a normal pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks)!

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Any child born before the 37th week of pregnancy is considered to be preterm.
Alexis put Joshua on her chest, she could feel him breathe and his heart was beating.

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But there was no hope, Joshua was already gone. Joshua’s father held him to say goodbye.
Even Joshua’s big sister was able to hold him and tell him goodbye.

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What an incredibly sad moment for the entire Fretz family.
It must have been hard to take all those photos and share such a private moment with the entire world.

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According to Medline Plus, one in ten infants born in the United States is preterm.
Rest in Peace, Joshua.

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