Mareen said he could run faster than some of the other kittens his age! It took Rocket a few days to get acclimated to his new home.

Image Credit: Flint & Gürkchen & Rocket / Instagram
Mareen said he meowed the whole first night!

GIF Credit: Flint & Gürkchen & Rocket / Instagram
Slowly, Rocket settled down and relaxed. Then his personality began to shine!

Image Credit: Flint & Gürkchen & Rocket / Instagram
Mareen is happy to report that Rocket can jump, climb, and run.

Image Credit: Flint & Gürkchen & Rocket / Instagram
Every night, he shares the bed with his new mom.
Rocket will be one this May! He is a handsome fellow! You can follow Rocket on Instagram. Share away, people!
[h/t LoveMeow]