Within the animal shelter facility of Animal Rescue League located in Iowa, United States, two dogs named CC and Chewbacca, a 6-year-old and a 10-year-old Rat Terrier and Labrador/German pointer mix, have an almost unbreakable bond which was unshaken by their arrival at the shelter.

Image Credit: Animal Rescue League of Iowa / Facebook
Both dogs were together for almost 2 years, until their former owner’s newborn became allergic to dogs. Thus, their owners had to give them up for the sake for their child, and the two dogs stuck to each other like glue. These two came in a pair, and stayed as a pair – with staff lovingly dubbing them the ‘hugging’ dogs.

Image Credit: Animal Rescue League of Iowa / Facebook
Staff were so moved by the two dogs’ bond that they decided to find a home for them both – via Facebook.

Image Credit: Animal Rescue League of Iowa / Facebook
It was a huge success, as the story went viral and eventually, someone offered to adopt them both! CC and Chewbacca are now together for good – in a new loving home!

Image Credit: Animal Rescue League of Iowa / Facebook
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