11. Amidst all the litter, a boy manages to swim his way through it.

Image Credit: imhereforattention / imgur
12. Ouch! A sea lion’s neck displays a deep cut left by a mesh wire.

Image Credit: Grilledbutter / imgur
13. People are shown wading their way through a polluted market street.

Image Credit: imhereforattention / imgur
14. A boy is pictured below trying to avoid piles of trash in his path.

Image Credit: imhereforattention / imgur
15. He is left with no choice but to swim in the polluted sea.

Image Credit: OdetteLove / imgur
The photographs above reflect the severity of human waste pollution. The World Bank has even predicted global solid waste generation rates to triple by the end of 2100! Thus, it is important and vital for waste reduction efforts to be executed as a compulsory communal effort.
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