The lives of thirty-three former circus lions has made a change for the better! The lions had spent many years in misery as part of a traveling circus in Colombia and Peru. Thanks to Animal Defenders International (ADI), the big cats will now live with earth beneath their paws and be able to feel the sun on their backs.

Image Credit: Animal Defenders International
Circus animals are illegal in Colombia and Peru, and tracking down the traveling circus was very challenging. ADI was able to work with the government to get all the remove all animals from the circus, sometimes a SWAT team had to come along to help.

Image Credit: Animal Defenders International
It took about 18 months to free all of the animals, but it was worth the effort! In all, there were 100 animals saved – 33 were lions. None of the animals will have to live in cramped, dirty cages anymore. They have endured a lifetime of maltreatment and mutilation.

Image Credit: Animal Defenders International