There is an anatomically correct baby doll for males that has sparked controversy.
The doll is a You & Me Mommy Change My Diaper Doll, and it is sold at Toys “R” Us – both online and in stores.
The package doesn’t indicate that it is anatomically correct, neither does the company website so you can imagine how shocked the shoppers were!

Image Credit: N/A
Everyone is used to dolls having no genitalia at all. The first doll to be anatomically correct hit shelves in 1976 and it was an Archie Bunker’s Grandson Joey Stivic doll.
A few of those may still be lurking on eBay.

Image Credit: Donna Wood Burgmann / Facebook
I don’t think there is anything wrong with the doll – but the package should indicate that it is detailed.
So that way any parent who finds it offensive doesn’t have to buy it.
Children are going to learn about their bodies at some point, why not at home?
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