You know how to play “Wheel of Fortune” – right? You guess some vowels, and then a few of the main consonants until you know what the phrase is. But the letters Z, Y, and Q are usually not the first ones you would ever guess. Unless you are Nura Fountano, a veteran. She guessed Z as her first letter. Pat Sajak was flabbergasted. But the game continued.
It didn’t take long for Sajak and the audience to realize that Nura was guessing the wrong letters intentionally. She was trying to help out a fellow veteran. If she guessed lousy letters, he could guess the good ones and win money. Despite intentionally losing the round, Fountano was able to go to the final round.
Take a look at this video
Would you be willing to give up the opportunity to win big like she did? Let us know and share away, people!