Cat fights can be vicious and scary to watch. Felix, the office cat at London’s Royal Docks Management Authority (RoDMA), is a loyal guard cat. Felix has no problem chasing off intruders and letting them know that she is in charge!

Image Credit: London’s Royal Docks Management Authority
One day, Felix was out doing her ‘thing’ when she came across a tough opponent – Felix ended up falling into the River Thames after slipping on the dock while being chased! Luckily, a man witnessed the cat fight and rushed to help Felix!

Image Credit: London’s Royal Docks Management Authority
Talk about good timing!

Image Credit: London’s Royal Docks Management Authority
Watch the video below to see what happened!
The man was able to get Felix out of the water, and she returned to her post. RoDMA said that Felix suffered no injuries from the incident. What a wonderful world it would be if we could all stand up and help each other out!
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[h/t LoveMeow]