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No One Can Get Into Old Woman’s Apartment, Then A Neighbor Breaks The Door And Realizes The Unthinkable

The elderly are being left alone far too often to fend for themselves. It isn’t the government we have to blame either, it is often the family members themselves that abandon their loved ones when they get older. Lucy Ashen, 39, has an elderly neighbor that she has willingly tried to get to know for …

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She Sleeps In The Dirt Outside His Home, But He Promises To Help. 5 Days Later, He Comes Back

Irene “Smokie” McGee has been living on the streets of South Los Angeles since her husband died in 2004. She just slept in the dirt! One day, Irene knocked on Elvis Summers’ house and asked if he had any cans she could have to cash in for money. Elvis looked at her, and his heart …

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Audience Member Steals Merch On Hidden Camera, But Ellen Waits Til Show To Teach Her A Lesson

Stealing is wrong. We all probably learned that lesson from our parents. But sometimes, it is just so tempting that the most rational people end up doing something they live to regret. Ellen DeGeneres set up a hidden camera in her gift shop. There are keychains, jackets, hats, mugs, and a sign that read “Only …

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Woman Quits Job To Breastfeed Boyfriend Every 2 Hours

This is the most disturbing thing you will read today. A bartender in Georgia took time off of work so she could breastfeed her boyfriend. Yes, you read that right – breastfeed her adult boyfriend. Jennifer Mulford had a baby twenty years ago, but started to dry-feed and pumped her breasts every two hours to …

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Woman Makes Heartwarming Discovery After Following Cat On Her Daily Walk

We all need friends. Everyone has a family, but friends add more spice and happiness to our lives. You can have friends that you interact with at work. But, when you are at home, you may need a friend there too. It is nice to be able to call on your friends when you need …

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Woman Who Wanted To Be The ‘Fattest Woman In The World’ Turns Her Life Around After Falling Pregnant

Monica Riley had a goal in life to become the world’s biggest woman. She ate over 10,000 calories every day to reach that goal. Riley’s fiancé, Sid, would feed her and encouraged her unhealthy ways. Monica had been diagnosed as morbidly obese when and weighed 700 pounds -but that didn’t stop her from trying to …

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Woman Rushed To The Hospital, Sends Warning About What She Accidentally Ate

One of the best things about the summer is going to barbecues! Who doesn’t love the smoky aroma of food cooking on the grill? But beware – there is a hidden danger! Christina Murrell from High Point started to experience pain in her throat after having enjoyed a meal cooked on the grill with her …

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Woman Arrested For Shoving Meth Pill In 2-Year-Old’s Mouth In Playground

Sayyadina Thomas, thirty six years old, was arrested and charged with attempted murder for putting a methamphetamine pill into a two year old boy’s mouth at a California playground. His nanny phoned the police after witnessing her putting something in his mouth. Sayyadina Thomas smiles for the mugshot after she was brought to custody. This occurred at …

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Man Struggles To Stop Cab So Woman Steps In To Help When She Realizes He’s Blind (Video)

I have heard that trying to hail a cab can be a challenging thing to do. After a Cubs game ended, Casey Spelman, 26, noticed a man trying to get a cab, but the streets were busy, and he was having a hard time. Then, Casey realized that the man was blind, so she decided …

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Woman Farts During Surgery And Catches On Fire — Then Things Take Scary Turn

We all have gas, some people are more discrete about it than others. Back in April 2016, an unnamed woman having surgery on her cervix at Tokyo University Medical Hospital reportedly farted while under anesthesia – and it started a fire. Most of us will never toot and cause a fire in the house, but …

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