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Owner Brings His Puppy To The Vet — And Doctors Can’t Believe He’s Still Alive

In McMurray, Pennsylvania, a 10-week-old terrier mix, nicknamed “The Puppy” by veterinarians working at the University Veterinary Specialists clinic, has been brought in – with a metal hod embedded in its skull. The puppy was in a terrible condition when he was brought in by his owner – and his owner had no money to pay …

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Vets Examine This Wounded Stray Dog — And Almost Scream When They See What’s Wrong

The kind people at Animal Aid Unlimited got a phone call about a dog that had become trapped in a sewage drain. They rushed out to help the poor dog. When they got there, they realized it was going to be very challenging to get the dog out. The dog was not only emaciated, but …

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Vet Comes Across Injured Deer Hit By Car And Immediately Stops To Save Her Life

Simon Cowell – not the rude guy from the talent shows – a different one – is the founder and CEO of Wildlife Aid. In this video, Simon is on his way to rescue a deer that had been hit by a car. Wildlife Aid, located in Surrey, England, treats and rehabilitates wildlife for free. …

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Vet Caught Punching And Choking Animals In His Care Gets His Job Back

This is just sickening. The College of Veterinarians of Ontario suspended a veterinarian, Mahavir Singh Rekhi after video surfaced of him hitting and choking pets in his care. There wasn’t just one video either. One video showed Rekhi hitting a dog in the face, the dog was under anesthetic at the time. Rekhi pleaded guilty …

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