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Puppy Hogtied And Stuffed In Plastic Bag Tossed From Moving Vehicle

Hogtied. This puppy was hogtied and placed in a plastic bag. The bag was then thrown out of a moving vehicle in Columbia, South Carolina. Michelle Reid from Valiant Animal Rescue & Relief said her organization got an anonymous call about the dog. The puppy’s legs were bound together, and she had a noose around …

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Puppy Rushed To Emergency Clinic With A Heroin Overdose — Now His Owners Are In Big Trouble

People come up with a lot of different ways to cheat the system. One way is to change price tags. It is also called shoplifting by switching price tags. People who switch price tags do not intend to pay the full price for the product, so they switch the tag in the hopes of paying …

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Firefighter Rescues Pup But Can’t Stand Leaving Him Behind, So He Saves His Life Once More

This is the touching story of a dog’s love for her rescuer – animals can be thankful too, you know? Her rescuer’s name is Mike Thawley, a firefighter working for the local fire department in Sacramento, California located in the United States. She was formally an abused and greatly mistreated dog – with a nasty skin …

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Puppy Found Behind Dumpster Was Listed Online For $10, But She’d Soon Prove That She’s Priceless

A shar-pei mix pup called Snowflake has been shuffled around quite a bit in her young life. First, she was dumped and left alone in Bakersfield, California. Someone found her and put her up for sale. They were asking $10. Sure, instead of getting the poor puppy help, why not try and make some money. …

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Rescuers Refuse To Give Up On Stray Puppy Trapped Down Deep Well For Over A Week

Residents in Beykoz, Turkey, called authorities when they discovered that a puppy had gotten trapped in a narrow borehole. The puppy was reportedly down there for more than a week. He is finally out and safe. No one is quite sure how the puppy managed to get down the borehole. The hole was less than …

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Watch: Puppy Who Doesn’t Want To Be Groomed Starts Throwing Tantrums Like A Little Kid

Most of us do not like to be disturbed when we are sleeping. Oreo is no different. She is actually a really sweet dog unless her ‘beauty’ sleep is interrupted or disturbed. Today, the 11-month-old pup is at the groomer. Her naptime had to be put on hold for this appointment and Oreo wasn’t shy …

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Here’s What Happens When A Husky Has Babies With A Pit Bull

A listing for some puppies in Albuquerque, New Mexico was posted. The five puppies needed to be fostered and Anh Dao was up to the task. The puppies were an unusual crossbreed of pit bull and husky – Pitskys! The seven-minute video below is a short documentary about being the foster parent to the tiny …

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Monster Scalped 3-Day-Old Puppy And Dropped Him Off At An Animal Rescue

A three-day-old puppy was scalped. He was found “walking on the street” claims the person who dropped him off at Umbrella of Hope, an animal rescue, in Pittsburg, California. They named him Hoka. Now, if you know anything about puppies, you would realize right off that no three-day-old puppy would be able to ‘walk’ down …

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Foster Dad Refused To Euthanize This Puppy, Gave Him A Second Chance

Nubby, a puppy, was born without front legs. The veterinarian thought it would be best to put Nubby to sleep. Nubby’s mom hadn’t rejected him, but he wasn’t able to compete or keep up with the other puppies had trouble getting to his mom to nurse. Lou Robinson, the woman who fostered Nubby, said his …

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Husky pup tries howling for the first time, but this comes out instead

Dogs howl – either at the moon, television, background noises they don’t like, throwing a tantrum or simply out of loneliness. But have you ever taught your canine how to do so, or to encourage it to take its first leap in the call of the wild? Meet this little husky pup – he’s well …

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