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Rescuers Spot Puppy On Fire Running Down The Street In Worst Case Of Animal Cruelty

This puppy was found running in down the street in Kansas City, Kansas and she was on fire! The four-month-old puppy has second and third-degree burns that cover half of her body. The Humane Society of Greater Kansas City has the poor pup, named Aurora, in custody and thinks that she was set on fire …

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Girl Wanting To Snap Photos With Puppy Wasn’t Expecting This Reaction!

Not everyone likes to have their picture taken. Some of us have the uncanny ability to blink or have a blank look on our faces in every single picture! It is a skill! LOL! During our lives, there are those times when taking pictures is expected. Its like the first day of a new school …

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13-Year-Old Boy Walks 2 Miles To Save Tiny, Emaciated Puppy From Dying

Delft is an under-developed, poor area in South Africa. Crime and gang violence are commonplace. The boy you see here holding the two puppies lives in Delft. Just two miles away in a community called Dlikkiesdorp, three women are helping make the lives of animals a little better. Rosie Kunneke, Stöckigt, and Clarina Hanekom founded …

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Cops On The Hunt For Beast Who Beat And Dragged Defenseless Puppy Behind Vehicle

It’s hard to imagine that anyone would willingly want to hurt an innocent animal, but for some reason, cruel people with these horrible intentions do exist in the world. Proof of this was solidified when Phoenix police were called in to investigate the case of a Boxer and Pitbull mixed dog who was cruelly abused and …

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Officers Hear Whimpers Coming From A Pile Of Dirt And Find Poor Creature Buried Alive

It’s really difficult to understand why anyone would or could harm a defenseless and innocent animal. It takes a special kind of evil to be able to do so without feeling regret, and especially to do so in very cruel, torturous ways. The noises of a whimpering dog could be heard across the woods as …

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Despite Being Attacked By A Dog, Cat Gives Love To Abandoned Puppy Who Needs A Mom

No one would blame Gertrude the cat if she hated dogs for the rest of her life. After all, she had been fiercely attacked by them before being rescued in Mexico and taken to Compassion Without Borders in California. The attack forced her to go into surgery and she lost her little of unborn kittens …

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Tiny Puppy Was Found Limping On The Roadside — But A Vet Thought Of A Clever Way To Help

A small and cute puppy named Princess was found wandering alone roadside and rescued. She was limping and avoiding pressure on her left front leg while doing so. Vet Ranch had suspected that she had a broken bone in her leg so an X-Ray scan was carried out. Indeed, the leg bone was broken but it had …

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See How This Loving Momma Teaches Her New Puppy To Use The Doggy Door!

Momma dogs have a lot to teach their little ones. The puppies have to learn how to eat, play nice, and how to ‘listen’ to momma. Some puppies catch on quickly. Others may take some time. Once the puppies are older, their momma may have other lessons to teach them – like how to use …

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4-Week-Old Puppy Was Rescued From A Backyard Breeder — But He Was Unlike The Rest

One day, Rachele Keech came across a peculiar dog in the local shelter that caught her eye. It was Newton, a 4-week-old Pit Bull puppy who was previously rescued from a backyard breeder. There was no sign of his mother, either. The young pup however, was different from the others for a reason. Affectionately named Mr …

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Puppy And Kitten Engage In A Hilarious Tug-A-War Match (Video)

Cats and dogs never mix – or do they? After all, many stories have proven that a canine and feline can get along very well, and even become best friends! And best friends play in the silliest way – even during a game of tug-of-war! A puppy and a kitten were video-graphed playing this game …

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