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They Hear Cries Coming From Tall Grasses, But What They Find Their Broke Everyone’s Heart

Howl of a Dog is an animal rescue organization located in Romania. They are a small nonprofit that is committed to rescuing neglected, abandoned, and abused animals. The animals they find are either living on the streets or are in the local kill shelters. The ultimate goal is to find forever homes for every animal …

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‘Harrowing’ Images Of Dead Puppies Dumped In Ditch Released By RSPCA

Along Hogg End Lane, in St Alban, a shocking case reporting the death of nine puppies has shocked even the RSPCA. Dumped for dead, those pups were found amongst other animal leavings, dropping and dead remains. It was a dumping ground for animals. The puppies were only 2-months-old. Partially buried in what seemed like sawdust, those pups …

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They Found An Abandoned Wet Puppy Inside A Box, When They Looked Closer, My Heart Broke

This story just is too hard to believe – but it is true. Ten puppies were left in a cardboard box. When they were found, they were all covered in their own urine. The person who found the box was an angel. In Alberobello, a rural village in Italy, said the mother dog was nowhere …

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Animal Shelter Staff Discovers Pit Bull Mama And 10 Newborns Dumped On Their Doorstep

Could you imagine being a new mom of ten? This pit bull was. Then try to imagine being that new mom of ten and you (and your babies) get dumped at an animal shelter. This pit bull and her ten puppies were found outside the Sacramento SPCA one morning. The pups were just a few …

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Dog Hides Her Puppies In A Ditch For A Heartbreaking Reason

Nana lived a sad, lonely existence in North Carolina. She spent part of her early life being chained outside. During her time being chained outside, Nana gave birth to three litters of puppies, but unfortunately all the puppies from her first two litters died. When Nana got pregnant again, people who owner her decided to …

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13-Year-Old Boy On His Way To School Spots A Plastic Bag. Then It Starts To Cry For Help.

Time and time again we hear that animals are found in trash bags. Why? Do the people who put the living animals in trash bags have no compassion? There is probably an animal shelter nearby that would gladly take the animals off your hands. In 2015, thirteen-year-old Jonathan Flatt found and rescued six puppies from …

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