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Mom Left Bitter Suicide Notes Before Shooting Her Kids, Husband’s Girlfriend And Self

In a domestic conflict turned violent, four individuals have lost their lives after a mother allegedly shot her estranged husband’s reported lover, her own two children, and then herself. 36-year-old Jessica Edens, a mother from South Carolina, was in the middle of a custody dispute with her husband and had claimed that he had been …

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Mother-Of-Six Gets Death Threats After Piercing Her Baby’s Dimple

When Enedina Vance, a mother from Ohio, posted a Photoshopped photograph of her baby daughter with a prominent cheek piercing to protest and raise awareness against child circumcision and serious body modifications, she didn’t expect for people to miss the mark of her message! She aptly captioned the post with a tirade of overemphasized comments …

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Mother-Of-One Dies Of Untreatable Tick-Borne Virus That Has Only Affected 5 People In The US

In a tragic, freak incident, a woman has become the very first person in the state of Missouri to contract a disease passed on by ticks known as the Bourbon virus – and the fifth known, confirmed case of this virus all around the world since its discovery in 2014. When Tamela Wilson removed two …

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Officer Spots What Mom And Son Are Doing In Parked Car, Swiftly Reacts

Living with autism is difficult and complicated, and one of the symptoms of this condition is that things can get quickly too overwhelming in stressful situations. When Charlie Watkins’ car broke down, she and her autistic son Jeriah were stuck in the heat and the traffic of highway 170. Everything was so loud that Jeriah …

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Disrespectful Teen Picks Subway Fight With The Wrong Woman

There are few things in the world more downright infuriating than disrespectful people, and that gets even worse when these individuals take it a step up to harassment. This woman is just going on her daily commute via the subway when a teen starts to harass her. He spits at her in contempt for no …

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Mom’s World Turns Upside Down After 3-Year-Old’s Tragic Accident, Now She Is Warning Others

Trampolines are a lot of fun, but not everyone can use them safely. As much fun as they seem to be for kids, young children at the ages of five and below should not play on them! Kait Ellen and her young three-year-old child Colton found this out the hard way when they went to …

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Mom Allows 2 Men To Rape Her 7-Year-Old Daughter For One Reason And One Reason Only

Child molestation is a horrible and heinous crime. And one such unforgivable act is the reason that Rebecca Lynn Shadle, a 38-year-old prostitute, is being charged with trafficking minors and extreme offensive assault, sexual exploitation of a child, child endangerment and conspiracy. This occurred after Shadle allegedly allowed a seven-year-old girl to be touched in …

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Mom’s Husband Abandoned Her 2 Weeks After Fire Accident. Months Later She Reveals…

Courtney Waldon was 27 years old when she was involved in a devastating campfire accident on the 30th of September last year. The incident happened when some gas got onto her clothes without her noticing and her husband, who had been married to her for two months at the time, went to relight their fire. …

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Walmart Customer Drags Her Son Into Restroom — Then Customers Hear The Screams

In Utah, Jeannine Cherilynn Isom is a mother, not a dentist, but, she decided that her seven-year-old son needed to have some teeth extracted. Why, we don’t know, again, she isn’t a dentist. But, Isom took her son to a Walmart bought a pair of needle nose pliers and a hand sanitizer. Isom then took …

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Cute Baby Elephant Throws A Temper Tantrum In The Road, Mom Knows Exactly How To Handle It

Young children will often have a fit if they don’t get what they want – but did you know that young animals will do the same? The baby elephant in this video is clearly not happy with his momma and isn’t afraid to throw a fit! The elephant first throws himself to the ground in …

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