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2 Stray Cat Moms Give Birth On Woman’s Patio, Surprising Her With 8 Babies!

Let’s have a quick math review. What is two plus eight? If you said ten – you are correct! That is how many cats came to one woman’s house. The woman had been feeding two stray siblings – the next thing she knew they had brought over their eight kittens! The two momma cats are …

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Pregnant Cat Takes Over Innocent Man’s Home And Fills His Life With Total Chaos

What happens if a stray cat winds up on your porch? Do you take it in and care for it – or do you just feed it, but don’t take much more interest? We had one show up on our porch, but she wouldn’t let us get close. We put food out for her every …

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Woman Fed Live Puppies And Kittens To Python Then Put Pictures Online

This horrifying image of a puppy being strangled by a python was posted by a woman. The woman and her Royal Python live in Granada, Spain. She is under investigation by the animal protection unit of the Guardia Civil. A volunteer at a local animal shelter saw the picture after reading about a snake for …

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Woman Walking Her Dog Saw A Blue Suitcase, But Wasn’t Prepared For What Was Inside

You know what a suitcase is for – right? It is for clothing. You put clothes and maybe some toiletries in a suitcase when you go on a trip. Sadly, that is not what was found in this suitcase. A woman and her dog found this suitcase sitting on some abandoned train tracks in a …

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Man Terrified Of Cats Gets Tied Down. Then His Worst Nightmare Begins To Take Shape

Phobias are an extreme or irrational fear that people have about something. There are a lot of different phobias like fear of water, fear of public places, fear of spiders. They all have fancy and complicated names too (like agoraphobia or arachnophobia). A person with a phobia will go to great lengths to avoid the …

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Cops Come Across A ‘Block Of Ice’ Which Turned Out To Be A Nearly Frozen Kitten

This tiny ginger kitten was found by two police officers on a very cold day. The two RCMP officers heard the little cat crying for help on March 10, 2017, in Weyburn Saskatchewan, Canada. The weather that day was bad, and the two officers were patrolling the highways to make sure there were no people …

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Shelter Receive Three Kittens On The Bring Of Death. Then Mama Dog Decides To ‘Adopt’ Them

I think some people are just born being more compassionate than others. No offense, but women are generally more understanding and compassionate. I have known some very compassionate men too. Even some animals have a more compassionate spirit and do amazing things to help their fellow creatures. Take Esperanza. She was just one year old …

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When This Tiny Kitten Gets Tired Of Playing She Does The Most Hilarious Thing Ever!

If you have ever had a young kitten, you know that the word ‘tired’ isn’t really in their vocabulary! They run and run and jump and play! All day. Until they crash. The trouble with siblings is that you both don’t get tired at the same time. What if one sibling is exhausted and the …

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Father Cat Lets Mama Cat Know That He Won’t Leave Her Side After Their Kids Are Born!

Being a mom (or a dad) isn’t easy – just ask one! Once you get over the pain of childbirth, the ‘real’ work begins! There are the feedings in the wee hours of the morning and stinky diaper changes. It is not a sign of weakness to ask for help. Most loving people would be …

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She’s Having A Conversation With Her Kittens, But Just Listen… Sweetest Sound Ever

Raise your hand if you talk to your pet! Yep, my hand is up! Dog owners will call to their dogs, and we train them using voice commands. But how about cats? They are harder to train and may not always respond to you if you call them. I have one cat who will come …

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