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Rescue Kitten Who Desperately Wanted To Leave Shelter Begged Woman To Take Her Home

This cute little feline is Cheyenne. She was a rescued kitty that clung to her foster mom and refused to let go! Cheyenne was taken to Nevada SPCA and placed in a kennel (like all the other animals are). Cheyenne wasn’t too happy about that – as you can imagine. When Nikki, a foster mom …

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How This Sleepy Kitten Reacts When She Sees Her Mama Will Melt Your Heart!

Do you have a sleep routine? I mean after you brush your teeth and put on your pajamas (or maybe you put on your pj’s first and then brush!). After that – do you have a routine? I don’t, I just lay down in the bed and wait for the sandman. Sometimes our pets have …

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How This Kitten Starts A Conversation With Her Human Every Day Is Just Adorable!

Do you talk to your pets? I do. We have regular conversations. Sometimes I tell them about my day or give them a weather forecast. My cats will ‘talk’ to me too. Most of the time they seem to be begging for either food or love. They can never get too much love! The woman …

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Kitten Sees Owner Getting A Bottle Ready, Runs To Her Crib And Waits Like A Baby

Have you ever taken care of newborn animals? They are extremely adorable as they open their fresh and shiny eyes to view the world, and get to know you and the rest of your family members! That being said, they also require the most care, with more frequent feeding times and special baby formulas. One …

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Kitten Learning How To Use The Litterbox Has The Best Reaction To Pooping

Using the litter box is an essential skill for an indoor cat. Unless you plan to teach your kitty how to use the toilet – but that is for another time. The kitten in this video isn’t quite sure what is supposed to happen in the ‘sandbox’ he finds himself sitting in. Then all of …

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Woman Hears Cries Coming From The Dumpster And Saves This Rare Kitten From Dying

Aww, look at this calico kitten – he seems to be having a rough life so far! His name is Martyr. Martyr was found in a dumpster by a woman. His eyes were still closed, and he was crying for his mom. Before he had reached the age of one week, he had a broken …

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Non-Pregnant Dog Starts Lactating To Save Abandoned Kitten’s Life

Prepare yourself – this story will make your heart ever so happy. Animal Control Officer Michelle Smith responded to a call about a barking dog. When she got to the scene, she was speechless. She found a Shih Tzu and a kitten at the bottom of a steep ravine in South Carolina. The dog was …

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See What Honey The Kitten Does To Her Daddy When He Kisses Her!

Oh, the love our animals have for us is like no other. Cats and dogs cannot show us affection in the same way a person does – they aren’t people! But, they have their own unique way of showing us they care. Some cats bring dead rodents into the house. Dogs will jump up and …

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They Rescued A Kitten With Only Two Toes And Thought He Wouldn’t Make It. Months Later…

A normal cat has four toes on each foot and a dewclaw (which is a little higher up on the leg – think of it as the ‘thumb’). A polydactyl cat can have one or two extra toes on their paws. The opposite of polydactyly is called Syndactyly where two more toes are fused together. …

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Crazy Hyper Kitten Just Can’t Contain Himself — Watch His Reaction To Humans Legs

Kittens and cats love to climb. It doesn’t seem to matter how tall an object is, if it is there, the cats will try and climb it. Getting down sometimes is a whole different thing! Very young kittens, as you may know, are sort of crazy. They run and jump and run and jump – …

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