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How Depressed Horses Reacted When They Meet After 4 Years Apart Will Leave You In Tears

Animals have feelings. They can show happiness, love, and fear. They can also be sad and may even mourn the loss of a friend. This video is part of the story about Arthur, a thoroughbred race horse. Arthur had grown up on a farm and had two BFFs, William and Harry, two New Forest ponies. …

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Pregnant All-White Mare Gives Birth, Then Farmer Sees Her Coat And Realizes She’s The Same

Beautiful Devil is a well-known beauty of the local Patchen Wilkes Farm located in  Lexington, Kentucky, United States. The then-pregnant mare gave birth to an all-white foal of her own on Super Bowl Sunday, marking the farm’s 13th successful birth since 1995. The historic farm’s horses are registered with the prestigious The Jockey Club, and managed by …

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Meet The World’s Smallest Horse — And He’s Too Adorable To Resist

Meet Einstein, who currently holds the world record for being the smallest measured Foal worldwide! Born on 22 April in 2010 on the fields of Tiz A Miniature Horse Farm, a ranch located along New Hampshire’s Barnstead. The facility is owned by experienced horse wranglers, Charles Cantrell and his wife, Rachel Wagner. Einstein stands at a record first-born …

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Horse Approaches Tiny Ditch For The First Time. After A Little Hesitation, It Becomes Hilarious!

Horses are intelligent and graceful animals. They are also smart! You can train a horse to trot, walk, and jump. I am not familiar with all the terms equestrians use – but if you have ever seen the dressage events at the Olympics, you know what I am talking about. Training any animal is never …

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Poor Horses Forced To Overwork Thrown In The Garbage When Collapsed

Have you ever heard of Spirit, Stallion of the Cimarron? It was a movie revolving around a horse’s freedom and strong will to live. Horses are majestic animals in our eyes, yet they have been suffering to the unrealistic expectations placed on them by humans, especially within the tourism and entertainment industries. In Cartagena located in Columbia, …

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When It’s Bed Time For This Horse You Have To See How He Tucks Himself In!

Humans love it when animals do things ‘human’. Often times the behaviors are just natural – they happen without any training. Why animals do some rather human-like things is just a mystery. Maybe they are just imitating the behavior, or it could be just a fluke, a one-time event. More often than not, human-like behaviors …

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100 Horses Trapped On An Island Face Certain Death — Until 6 Women Come To Save Them

In 2006, hundreds of horses were stranded in the Netherlands. This story is known know as the Great Netherlands Horse Rescue! After a storm had rolled through, the waters of the North sea had risen. The horses ended up being trapped on a tiny island – with water all around, the horses could get off. …

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Injured Horse Airlifted To Safety — When He Lands, He Shows His Gratitude

The average adult horse can weigh anywhere from 840 to 2,200 pounds. What happens if a horse gets stuck or hurt? It can’t be easy to move a 900-pound animal that is too hurt to walk. Lucky, an Alaskan pack horse, found himself in a very scary predicament and needed emergency help. Lucky was trying …

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58-Year-Old Man And 40-Year-Old Horse Help Each Other Through Life’s Hardships With Their Bond

Once a popular racing purebred, Waco Hanover now spends his free time relaxing with his human best friend. Donnie MacAdams is 58 years old and owns Waco Hanover. He keeps him in Vermont at Rough Terrain Farm. This standardbred horse was never very good at racing and typically lost against other horses, but he is …

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This Horse Is So Small People Don’t Believe She’s Real — But She’s Proving Everyone Wrong

Small things are just adorable! Don’t you just love to see a mini-house that is all decorated as if it were full-sized? How do they make all food so small and yet so realistic? People around the world like small animals too – like puppies and kittens. Everything is cute when it is little. Well, …

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