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Rivals Show True Sportsmanship To Help Injured Runner Finish Race

Madeline Adams had prepared for her run at the ACC Women’s Cross Country Championship, and she was ready. Madeline started the race very strong and was almost to the finish line when her body couldn’t go any further. She collapsed and wasn’t able to stand. Several runners ran past her – it was a race …

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One Man’s Missed Voicemail Leads Him To Rescue A 2-Year-Old Kidnapped Girl

Every time I see an Amber Alert, my heart is saddened. Most of us get Amber Alerts on our cell phone – through the Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) program. Stephen was on his way to a doctor’s appointment in Knoxville, Tennessee, when he heard the Amber Alert. Two-year-old Brooklynne Emerie Enix had been kidnapped by …

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Excited Little Girl Tries To Get A Tanker Ship To Horn. Seconds Later She Regrets It

When we were kids, we used to like to get the big rigs and trains to blow their horns as they went by – why? I don’t know, it was just fun! You pump your arm up and down and desperately hope that they see you and blow the horn! Then you can do your …

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Doctors Couldn’t Figure Out Cold Sores Inside 10-Year-Old’s Mouth Until Her Sudden Death

Doctors are human beings. Yes, they have extensive training too, but they are humans. You know what they say about humans – we make mistakes. Tragically, a 10-year-old Australian girl named Briony has died because her doctors failed to recognize and diagnose her medical condition. When Briony developed a fever and said, her throat hurt, …

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Teens See Pretty Girl In Car Next To Them. Then They Notice She’s Mouthing ‘Help Me’

Two young adults, 19-year-old Aaron Arias and 17-year-old Jamal Harris, were taking a friendly and leisurely drive along an isolated road when they spotted a woman seated in a car parked on the sidelines. She spotted them too, and started mouthing the words ‘help me’. Turns out that she was a victim of kidnapping – …

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3-Year-Old Who’s Never Spoken Before Stuns Mother After Whispering To A Donkey

Twin girls, Hope and Amber Austwick, weighed only 1 pound, 2 ounces at birth. Amber needed a tracheotomy and at three years of age hadn’t yet started to talk. The tracheotomy had restricted some of the air to her vocal cords, and Amber was unable to laugh or speak. Amber’s parents, Tracy and Julian, took …

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12-Year-Old Girl’s Controversial Photo Sparks Debate (Photos)

A twelve year old huntress, Aryanna Gourdin, from Cove in Utah, received numerous death threats and angry comments on her public Facebook page called Braids and Bows. It all started with her posting numerous photos of her posing with her kill in an African safari. She posed with a giraffe which she killed in a proud …

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‘You’re Fat Enough… Just Go’: Girl Yells At Overweight Man Eating At McDonald’s

No one deserves to be made fun of, yet it happens all too often. If you can’t say something nice about or to a person – don’t say anything! It is really that simple! A video featuring a group of heartless girls shaming an overweight person at McDonald’s was viewed nearly 400,000 times on YouTube, …

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Guy With A Sword Trying To Impress Girl Close By Ends Up Embarrassing Himself

A man, a sword, and a watermelon. This can’t be a good combination! Oh, and then the words “hey, check this out!” You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that someone is going to get hurt! The man in this video thought it would be cool to take a samurai sword and …

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Cop Greets Girl Every Day. When She Doesn’t Appear, His Gut Tells Him To Investigate.

You come to appreciate a routine. For Klynn Scales, a break in her morning routine actually helped save her. Klynn grew up in a home filled with violence and drugs. But she had a friend, a police officer who would see her every day when he came to her house, she would smile and run …

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