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Elephant Patiently Waits Weeks For Injured Doggy BFF To Return, Now Watch As They’re Finally Reunited

This article tells the touching story of true friendship between an elephant named Tarra and a dog named Bella. As featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, these two did not let a mere difference in physical size get in the way of befriending one another – they napped, played and even had their meals together! It was for …

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It Seemed Like An Ordinary Elephant Herd, Until A Photographer Saw A Rare Baby Behind Mom

One wildlife photo by a 58-year old man named Nicki Coertz has made animal lovers online swoon over- it is a cute little pink elephant! It was taken when the man was on a safari trip in Kruger National Park, South Africa. This albino elephant was spotted near the Shingwedsi River, with its herd and mother nearby. Albino elephants are …

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This Elephant Is Starving In A Zoo Because Authorities Can’t ‘Afford’ To Feed Her Proper Food

A video has surfaced of a 46-year-old elephant named Ruperta in an emancipated state, her ribs clearly visible through loose and sagging skin. The elephant lives at the Curicuao Zoo in Caracas, Venezuela, which states that it cannot afford to feed her properly. Elephants need a diet that consists of vegetables, fruits, grass, and bamboo leaves …

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Mommy Elephant Stuns Everyone When She Explores Reserve With Rare Twins!

The momma elephant you seen in this photo is named Curve. Curve is 31-years old and lives on the Pongola Game Reserve in South Africa. On December 5, 2014, Curve gave birth to twin calves. Twin elephants are rather rare and even more rare is to have both of the babies survive. At the time …

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Rescued Baby Elephant Loves His Human Mom So Much He Won’t Let Her Out Of His Sight, So Guess Where He Stays!

Did you know that even wild animals can form unbreakable bonds with humans? This is story is about a woman named Roxy and a baby elephant named Mojo. Mojo was rescued by onlookers who spotted him drowning in a river which swept him away from the herd he previously belonged to. The baby elephant was …

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Truck Drivers Come Across A Thirsty Baby Elephant. Then They Stop To Set An Example

Not everyone can say they saved a baby elephant. Only a few lucky people have ever had that honor. A couple of truck drivers from AfriAg, a transport company, stopped their truck in Botswana recently because of a downed bridge. Then a baby elephant appeared from behind some bushes. Baby elephants do not wander far …

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Man Sees An Elephant Drowning In The Mud — And Knows Exactly What To Do

One look at this elephant and you can tell he is in serious trouble. The bull elephant was found stuck in the mud of a semi-dry well in Kenya. The elephant was found struggling at the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy. Time was running out – rescuers had to work fast. By the time they found him he …

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Heartbroken Baby Elephant Won’t Leave Mom Who Was Mercilessly Killed For Her Tusks

Zongoloni’s mother was shot in September 2013. The baby elephant and her mother were spotted stumbling through the bush in Kenya. Zongoloni was only about 18 months old – too young to lose her mother. The kind folks at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT) and Kenya Wildlife Service Tsavo Mobile Veterinary Unit were sent …

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Just As A Rhino Is About To Attack, An Elephant Tricks Him With A Stick

Elephants are one of nature’s most intelligent animals. They have a strong sense of family and have even been seen grieving the loss of a member of their herd. The video below is a rare look at the life of an African elephant. There is a battle that seems inevitable between a rhino and an …

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Deaf And Blind Elephant Cried When People Arrived To Rescue Her From The Life Of A Beggar

Sook Jai is a 75-year-old elephant. She has lived most of her life as a trekker and a beggar in camps. Her sad existence has been one of giving rides to tourists. She was not treated well over the years and had sustained many injuries. Happily, the Save Elephant Foundation found Sook Jai and rescued …

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