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See What This Donkey Did With Disabled Dog When Other Dogs Refused To Play With Him.

We often make the mistake of shunning those who are different from us. Sadly, this can translate to the animal world, too. Those who are sick or who look different can sometimes be alienated from their pack or group, resulting in them having to live on their own. If they’re lucky, though, they can sometimes …

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Hundreds Of Unwanted Dogs Were Left Homeless — Until One Woman Took Them In

Lya Battle is a well-known canine lover and savior who resides in Costa Rica. To date, she has saved and housed at least 100 dogs – and all of them were on the verge of death and former roamers. And it all started with Diego, a 15-year-old Schnauzer who was ill and weak, plus he had …

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Neglected Dogs Were So Starved That They Tried To Eat Mother Dog Through The Fence

In California, a mother dog, Sophia, was badly mauled through the fence by some dogs living next door. Sophia, a pit bull, had a litter of four puppies that were only a week old with her. Perhaps the dogs next door were trying to get at the puppies and Sophia was trying to defend them. …

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Heartbroken Family In Tears After Their Dogs Were Taken And Found Abused

Not one, not two, but three dogs were all abused in Cross Lake, Man. None of the dogs were abused by their owners, however. The first dog you see here is Shadie, a six-month-old Border Collie, who was let outside by her owner Freddie Sinclair on the night of March 26. She didn’t come back …

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After Hunting Season Ends, These Dogs Are Dumped Or Hanged.

There is a horrible and sad truth – and it starts on the streets of Spain. At least 50,000 Spanish Greyhounds, also called Galgos, get dumped on the streets and killed by hanging yearly – after the hunting season for their local hare ends. These poor canines are mass-bred purely for the sport – they never received love from …

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Dogs Spend Weeks In Parking Lot, Refusing To Move From Spot They Were Abandoned

Dogs are extremely loyal creatures. They love you if you love them back – loyalty isn’t however, always rewarding for some unfortunate canines. And yes, we are talking about dogs who have been dumped somewhere and abandoned by those they trusted their lives with. Take these two dogs below for example. In Florida, two dogs …

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Because Girlfriend Paid Too Much Attention To Her Dogs, Jealous Man Kills Them Both

Jealousy is never pretty. Two dogs are dead because of a jealous boyfriend. Jennifer Sherman and Joel Davis were dating. Joel was very jealous of the relationship Jennifer had with her dog. So, he killed them both. Sherman left the dogs in his care (on more than one occasion) – on February 5th one dog, …

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Dog Was Saved Just 2 Minutes Before Euthanization, Look How Happy He Is Now

A dog is a man’s best friend and companion, one of the most important things they deserve is a loving home, not spending time in a shelter for the rest of their lives. They deserve someone who will care for their well being and in return, the dog will do the same for sure. Like …

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Clever Pooches Wait Patiently For Owner To Call Their Names

Dogs do not learn their names and basic commands well without proper training. When dogs come when they are called with the lack of treats, it shows how much they love and respect their owner – after all, canines are known to be loyal pals! Meet Allyson Hill, and her clever dogs! Her ten dogs are …

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He Asked His Dogs To Roll Over, But It’s The Cat’s Reaction That’ll Have You In Stitches!

Have you ever trained your dog to do tricks? I have trained my dog to sit, lay down, get back up, and give both paws. It wasn’t easy, though! There were many hours I spent with my dog going through all the motions. Some tricks were easier for him to learn than others. But the …

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