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Former Millionaire Spent His Entire Fortune Rescuing Dogs For One Heartbreaking Reason

In Changchun, China, one former millionaire spent his entire fortune away to assist and do his part for a noble cause: to save the local dogs from the slaughterhouse and keep them away from a hard life on the streets. He started his very own animal shelter, and houses as many as over 150 dogs! …

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He Saw An Aquarium, But What He Saw Inside It Shocked Everyone

One afternoon, a man named Matt Williamson came across an abandoned aquatic glass tank. At first, he thought that it was no big deal – after all, someone clearly dumped it, and it was simply just trash. Or was it? It was then he heard whimpers and whines – inside the aquarium! He was shocked …

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Bus Station Gives Stray Dogs New Beds And Blankets To Help Them Escape The Cold

In parts of the world, right now, the temperatures are dropping and the colder months are ahead. In Brazil, some lucky dogs are being given a warm place to lay their heads at night! The dogs are strays. They were either abandoned or have lived their entire lives on the streets. The kind people at …

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Dogs Won’t Stop Barking, Owner Looks Outside And Finds Panther On His Porch

Most of us share our living space with wild animals. We often see squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, opossums, and the occasional deer. If you live in a more rural area, you may run across a different variety of creatures. Not all wild animals are scared of humans, and that is why we have wildlife rescue groups …

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Family Thinks They Adopted Two Normal Dogs — But Watch When They Stand Up

Getting a dog is a big decision. There is a lot of care that goes into raising and caring for a dog. Many people don’t realize how much work having an animal can really be. In Long Beach, California, Bee and Joshua Fisher had three sons – but knew they wanted something else to make …

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Coyotes Had This Family’s Cat By The Neck, But Their Pit Bull Had Her Back, What A Hero!

There’s a negative myth surrounding Pit Bulls due to their stereotype as a ferocious and aggressive dog – that cannot be further from the truth, as one dog proves it to be so. Meet Jack, a pit bull who was a rescue dog – he lives with his feline best friend Kitty. Jack made local headlines …

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Tiny Dog Uses Her Huge Golden Retriever Brother As Her Personal Chauffeur

We have all seen some pretty short people in our day. There is nothing wrong with being short (or vertically challenged), you just have to know how to make it work for you. Bella doesn’t let her small stature prevent her from living life to its fullest! Bella, 2, has learned that being small isn’t …

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Couple Adopts Dying Shelter Dogs So They Can Live The Rest Of Their Days Feeling Loved

Jeff and Michele Allen do something that most of us would never think of – ever. They have a home sitting on six acres in Southampton, New Jersey. In that home, they also have 27 dogs! It is not what you think. The dogs that the Allen’s have taken in are all elderly shelter dogs. …

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Boy Finds Six Big ‘Rats’ Behind A Church And Starts Taking Care Of Them

The first animal shelter in the Philippines was founded three years ago by an eight year old Ken, who saw a need to help them. The shelter was named “Happy Animals Club” and so far, it houses a lot more animals now. Ken is now eleven years old and nurses all the shelter animals back …

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