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Loyal Dog Remains By His Friend’s Side Throughout Hospital Ride

Loyalty are what dogs truly stand for. Look past their wet kisses and wagging tails, your canine will always be there to welcome you home – no matter how long it takes for them to wait for your safe return. A dog named Marrom is a shining example of this – he and his owner …

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Man’s Told He Has 5 Years To Live, So He Goes To A Shelter And Asks For An ‘Obese, Middle-Aged Dog’

This is the touching story of Eric and Peety, a duo that has the strongest bond of canine-human friendship, ever. They depended on each other in times of need, and make a beautiful pair. Eric was severely overweight a few years ago, till he was 348 pounds. This threatened his life – he spent thousands …

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Grumpy Boxer Argues With Owner Over Bedtime Curfew (VIDEO)

Humans argue with one another – its too common. After all, our pets don’t. Or do they? Meet this tired but argumentative Boxer – he’s obviously tired, but tries to negotiate bedtime by barking whenever his owner asks! His owner Roxanne can be heard asking him why he doesn’t want to retire to his comfy …

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Man Goes On TV To Show Off His Smart Dog, That’s When This Beagle Does The Funniest Thing Ever

They say that you can teach a new dog old tricks – now, dog owners like me constantly debunk this myth surrounding our canines. After all, it only takes time, patience and lots of love and respect for your dog to obey you – regardless of the trick’s difficulty level! Meet Bailey, a beagle that starred …

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Cute Beagle Got Distracted At A Dog Show Run — And Drove The Crowd Berserk

Ever made it to a dog show? Dog shows usually have agility and obstacle courses, blue ribbon competitions – and pet owners will gather from all around the state to get a glimpse at the current year’s contestants! Meet Mia, a beagle who got a little distracted and lost along the way during her attempt …

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50 Dogs Have Funniest Reactions When Bengal Cat Walks Into Dog Show

Boomer the Bengal cat who is highly acquainted to how canines socialize, thanks to his friend Didja! His owner is a professional animal trainer, and has trained the pair beautifully! He has no shortage of praises for his dearest feline, too! Calling Boomer an “amazingly beautiful” but mischievous cat who requires a lot of exercise and patience, …

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After Rescuing Mom And Her Pups, She Does Something That Stops Them In Their Tracks

Have you ever heard of the charitable animal work Hope For Paws has done for canines all over America? The rescue group had many success stories, including Lexus, an SOS case involving a starving and formerly pregnant Pit Bull, who had just given birth in a yard. She received emergency medical care just on time, and her four …

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Bodies Of 7 Dogs, Shot And With Broken Necks, Found Along Deserted Road

Seven dogs are dead. Not one of them died of natural causes. They were all systematically murdered, and their bodies were dumped along the side of the road in Union County, North Carolina. The pictures below are not edited. They show the condition of the dogs. The photos were taken by Pawsitive Impact Dog Rescue. …

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Cruel Owners Who Starved Dogs That Resulted In Cannibalism Have Been Sentenced To Prison

Believe it or not – this dog is actually still alive. But just barely. The people responsible for the condition of the dog are Quenton Eugene Mathis, 26, and Nicole Mathis, from Headland, Alabama. Mathis was given a six-year prison sentence for starving not one – but six dogs. The real tragedy of the story …

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This Family Surrendered Their Dogs. Instead Of Shelter, They Sold Them To A Meat Farm

A meat farm is as disgusting as it sounds. Dogs live on this so-called ‘farm’ to be butchered for their meat. In South Korea, the meat trade is legal. Two dogs, Lilly and Pinch, were living in South Korea with their human family. One day, the family just decided that they didn’t want the two …

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