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How These Dogs Behave When They Find Cats ‘Stealing’ Their Beds Will Make You Laugh!

You either like cats or you don’t. Cats are not like dogs. Most cats do not like to go outside on leash or get belly rubs. Cats probably won’t greet you at the door when you come home from work. But, cats do like to sit in front of the computer screen when you are …

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3 Furry Siblings Play In The Backyard, Then The Cat Grabs The Camera And Takes A Selfie

Selfies pop up on social media all the time. We have seen people dancing, sitting around campfires, and people hanging out at a concert together. People love to take pictures of themselves having fun and then sharing it with everyone. Manny is no different. Well, except that Manny is a cat! Manny is a handsome …

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Blind Senior Dog Is Abandoned At A Shelter — Then Does This To The First Person Who Approaches

This is the story of an extremely sad blind dog – and her name was Muñeca. The poor the dachshund was kicked out and left on the streets due to her old age – she had no home, no family, no shelter, no food and water – and had very little time left. She was already …

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Dad Tells His Puppy He Looks Handsome In His Bandanna And Gets Quite The Response

Humble is a great virtue – and its often associated with someone, usually human. When we are humble, it meant that we’re modest when it comes to compliments despite the boost of self-confidence we feel. But did you know that even dogs can feel modest when complimented, too? Meet this hilarious pooch, who cannot take …

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Man Returns To Adopt The Dog He Rescued, And The Surprised Pup Couldn’t Be Happier

Meet Mojo, a Pit Bull who was rescued by a man named Joey Wagner. Joey is also the owner of Baie St. Marie Animal Shelter located in Nova Scotia, Canada where Mojo was surrendered to back in 2013. Mojo came in with demodectic mange and a host of health problems due to mistreatment with his former owner. Joey brought …

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Puppy Is Unconscious In The Afghanistan Desert — Then These Soldiers Rush To His Rescue

This is a true story of pure animal love and bravery in the middle of the desert heat in Afghanistan. Amidst the harsh weather and horribly warm temperatures, two notable figures, Colonel Reijersen and Major Barnett, have saved a young puppy from death. They were on camp patrol before the rescue. The dog needed medical help …

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6-Year-Old Boy Spends Time Each Week Reading To Shelter Dogs So They Don’t Feel So Alone

Courtesy of Saving Carson Shelter Dogs, a heartwarming story has been documented – involving a 6-year-old autistic boy named Jacob Tumalan who spends his time reading to shelter dogs on a weekly basis. The reason? He wanted to make them feel less lonely. Reading to dogs like Pirate the Pit Bull, Jacob spends his time reading …

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Cop Sees 7 Dogs Trapped In A 100 Degree Car With No Water. Then She Does The Only Thing She Can Do..

Animal Planet has released a pre-recorded yet disturbing footage of 7 dogs trapped in a car for 2 whole days – with no food or water and left to die in the smothering heat. It was truly a miracle that they even survived without suffering heat strokes – but they were running out of time. …

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Dogs Can’t Talk…But If They Could, This Is Probably What They’d Say…

Ever wished that you’ll know exactly what Fido is thinking when he strolls around in the dog park, or what he is thinking when he meets a new friend? In this video by Petcentric titled ‘Dog Park Fun – Pet Thoughts’, which features multiple dogs such as Chihuahuas – their conversations are translated into English! With …

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Dogs Were Trapped On A Filthy Balcony For 4 Years — Until A Neighbor Finally Did The Right Thing

The two St. Bernards you see in this image were being forced to live on this tiny, filthy balcony in Juarez, Mexico. There was no way for them to escape and they were lying in their own waste. According to reports, the dogs had lived on the balcony their entire lives. A neighbor finally grew …

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