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Heartbroken Soldier In Tears As His Dying Best Friend Says His Final Goodbyes

Soldiers fighting overseas can become very attached to the canine warriors that fight alongside them. Kyle Smith and his partner, Bodza, had been spent 189 days together in Kyrgyzstan. The two were members of the United States Air Force and were on a security mission. Bodza, an 11-year-old German shepherd, had been working with the …

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Mom Puts On Some Music In The Car And Starts Recording. Keep Your Eyes On The Dog!

ROAD TRIP! Ah, the open road. You can feel the wind in your hair and the sun on your face. There is nothing quite like it. One favorite activity to pass the time is to sing along to your favorite song on the radio. Windows down, turn the volume way up, and belt it out, …

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Dog’s Rescuers Thought She Had A Routine Illness — But X-Rays Revealed Something Far Worse

Beds for Bullies is a rescue organization located in Barnham, England. Liz Haslam, the founder of Beds for Bullies and an animal activist, got a call for help from an animal protection group in Gökova, Turkey. An abused bull terrier named Eric was in desperate need of help. As you can see from the picture, …

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Man Who Lifts A Shed To Help Stuck Pregnant Dog Gets Wet Kisses Of Gratitude

Pumpkin was rescued from the streets about a month ago. Recently, the pregnant dog found herself in need of rescuing again! Pumpkin was outside at her temporary home in Tennessee (she resides at a shelter for now). Somehow the pregnant dog had managed to crawl underneath the storage shed – and then she got stuck! …

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Woman Petrified To See Cruel Man Dragging His Helpless Dog Behind Scooter For Blocks

Melissa Janelle Torrez saw a man dragging a helpless dog along behind an electric scooter in South Texas. What would you do if you saw this? Melissa stopped her car and recorded it. The man dragged his German Shepherd more than two blocks. Be warned that the video is very hard to watch. It is …

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Betrayed And Heartbroken Senior Dog Thrown On The Street Because He Was ‘Sick’

Left to die. Sick and abandoned. This senior dog was left to die on the streets of Miami by his heartless owners. How people can be so cruel, I just don’t understand. The dog appeared lifeless, and people just walked by. Their Lives Matter, a rescue organization stepped in to help. The dog was rushed …

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Woman Approaches A ‘Dead’ Dog At A Dumping Ground Then Immediately Runs For Help

This dog was found at Echo Lake in Fort Worth, Texas by Judy Obregon. That area is a known dumping ground for unwanted animals. When Judy saw the dog, she thought he was dead. But then he took a breath! Judy rushed him to the vet. Judy is known as the “Dog Lady” because she …

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Poor Stray Dog On The Verge Of Death Gets A Second Chance Thanks To This Man

Brazilian native Wilson Coutinho Martins has dedicated his life to helping the neglected and abused animals in Rio de Janeiro. He has used social media to share his stories. Martins has over 500,000 followers on Facebook – this helped to spread the word about this particular dog he rescued. Now that is truly impressive of …

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Dog Groomer Who Kicked Dog Till Its Ribs Broke Remains Jail-Free

This story is a shocking case of animal cruelty – all thanks to a spiteful and extremely hot-tempered 22-year-old who took his anger out on his very own faithful canine client. Mind you, the dog did not attack him at all despite the way he treated it. Ironically, the accused is a dog groomer. 22-year-old dog …

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Dog Steals Toy From Baby And Makes Her Cry. How He Apologizes Will Have You Laughing!

Infants and household pets are famed to have extremely strong bonds and a longstanding relationship – as adults, it can often amaze us on how they communicate and interact with one another! But what happens if the baby cries due to something the cat or dog accidentally did? The video below shows a dog apologizing …

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