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Cruel Woman Snarled At A Local Shelter And Uttered The Most Hateful Words Ever

Oscar was dumped on the side of the road in Long Beach, California. The senior Australian Shepherd laid on the curb as people walked by. No one was willing to help the poor creature. Oscar’s back legs had collapsed under him, and he couldn’t help himself. Finally, someone rescued him and rushed him to the …

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Two City Workers Drag A Dog Behind Their Official Vehicle And Get Secretly Taped

A 1-year-old pit bull had been videotaped as it was dragged behind a city vehicle in Buenos Aires – while it was in motion. The incident caused the young pup some bruises and cuts, but thankfully, they aren’t major. Two council workers were responsible for this – and were fired after been discovered. The video was uploaded by …

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Neighbor Secretly Films Man Abusing His Helpless Puppy

Almost everyone has a camera in their hands today. Sometimes that is a good thing. Like in this case. A resident of Jacksonville, Florida used their camera to record their neighbor abusing a black and white puppy. The disturbing video shows a very angry man trying to clean the dog. But going about it in …

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Horrific Video Exposes Police Officers Repeatedly Tazing Terrified Dog

Some dogs are mean. They are not born mean, they are trained (or mistreated) and end up mean. Some people are mean. People are not born mean either – they just grow up learning hatred and are very angry people. The officers in this video are mean. Period. They repeatedly taser a dog who is …

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Mom Buries The Family Dog’s Ashes In The Garden. Then She Goes Back To The Spot And Sees It…

Deaths are a hard thing to cope with – especially the loss of your precious fur kid, be it a canine or feline.The least we could do is to either bury them, or cremate their bodies. But a new invention has allowed pet owners to remember their beloved fur-members once more. Meet the BioUrn, a …

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Husband Got Wife A Dog Thinking It Might Help Her Alzheimer’s Disease

June Anderson was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. Her loving husband, Bruce decided to help her by getting assistance via a canine companion named Sadie. This is to help her cope better and possibly relieve her of any stress she has built up. Sadie will be responsible for June’s safety when both of them go out for walks. Sadie …

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This Man Was Arrested After Someone Caught Him Doing This To An Innocent Puppy

This story is about a case of animal abuse – involving an innocent puppy. The brutal act caused the puppy to require extensive surgical procedures for it to recover. In the town of Granby, along Terry Lane, 63-year old John Fatcheric was arrested for throwing a yellow Labrador puppy to the ground – he had also …

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Dog Found Dead With His Face And Legs Bound With Electrical Tape

This blurry white object is a dead Shih Tzu. The dog was found with its face and feet bound with electrical tape in Vienna Township, Michigan. Genesee County Sheriff Robert Pickell posted the images of the dog on Facebook. He wrote that his office is investigating the case and feels that it is imperative that …

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Vets Issue Warning To Owners: Check Your Dogs’ Mouths

Frances Jirik’s dog, Bailey, wasn’t eating. Bailey also had begun to foam at the mouth and was lethargic. Like any responsible pet owner, Jirik took Bailey to see the vet. The veterinarian was left greatly appalled by what she saw! Dr. Lindsey Mitchell, found 30 to 40 lady bugs stuck on the roof of Bailey’s …

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This Monster Flung Her 3 Month Old Puppy From The Car And Cracked Her Skull

A 35-year-old woman hailing from the big apple, New York City has been convicted due to a much-overlooked case of animal cruelty. Meet Alsu Ivanchenko, who cracked her puppy’s skull through a horrific act. This woman had abandoned her puppy, Snowflake. She had stuffed her into a paper bag before proceeding to fling the bag out …

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