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Bound In Chains That Outweighed Her, No One Heard Her Little Cries For Help

Meet Andie, a 10-week-old puppy who was left out in the hot sun amongst heaps of scrapped trash. She was also tied down with metal shackles and heavy chains that weighed twice her weight! Andie was also suffering from mange, a painful skin condition due to mite infestation. Her cries were initially unnoticed, till PETA stepped in to help. …

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Baby Emu Loses It When The Dog Walks Into The Room For The First Time

Baby animals can get pretty lonely if they grow up alone. Emee is a baby emu who was the lone hatchling from her mother, and when she was taken it at home, she realized that it could get far too quiet when her Mommy was out working or running errands. Luckily, her lonesome days are …

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Neighbor Does The Nicest Thing For Dog Who Always Jumps Up To Say Hello!

Dogs are very curious, and they love being able to look around and investigate. Jennifer Bowman from California lives next door to one of these very interested dogs – a German shepherd named Penny. Penny always wanted to see what was happening on the other side of the fence, and she wanted to say hello …

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Sick Senior Dog Hangs On To Life Long Enough To Meet His New Baby Sister

Senior dogs often have difficulty getting adopted. But that wasn’t the case for Rocky, a 17-year-old pup who got to live the rest of his life surrounded by love. Rocky had continually run away from his home despite his fragility and wound up at the Anne Arundel County Animal Control in Maryland. So when Beth and …

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What Happens When Your Dog Poops Then Finds The Roomba? This.

Jesse Newton, a pet owner residing in his home located in Little Rock, Arkansas, was preparing for bed along with his four-year-old son – until they both smelt something foul. His son had also stepped on something sticky and awful-smelling – and it dawned on Jesse when he realized what it was. It was dog poop. Jesse had …

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Cop Sees Men With Dog In The Woods — Then Realizes What They’re About To Do

Chris Lynch, a conservation officer working in Michigan’s Department of Natural Resources, was patrolling in the north peninsula one afternoon when he spotted something fishy. A vehicle was parked in the woods, and two men with a little dog started to hop out of the car. Chris decided to approach them when he saw one of the men loading a rifle …

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Cops Respond To Frantic Call Only To Realize That ‘Dangerous’ Dog Only Wanted A Kiss!

Dogs are almost universally revered as friendly and fun, but some dog breeds have earned a bad reputation due to stereotypes and fear. Rottweilers, Dobermans, and Dalmatians are just a few pups who are viewed negatively, but there’s no pup quite as misunderstood as the Pit Bull. This is very unfair as studies have actually …

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Cruel Man Beat His 9-Month Old Pup To Death Because He Messed Up His House

When Florida police were called in to investigate reports of loud noises and a frightened dog’s cries at an Aurora Street home, they weren’t entirely certain what to expect. What awaited them was a horrific and cruel scene. Police arrived on the scene at the home of Travis Archer, 43, and found his nine-month-old black …

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Rescuers Left Heartbroken After Seeing Dog’s Face Nearly Ripped Apart By Firecracker

A photograph of a dog with a face severely maimed and injured gained a lot of attention after it was shared by rescuers from Fort Worth, Texas organization Dallas Dog RRR – Rescue. Rehab. Reform. In addition to his horrifying wounds, Champ was also emaciated, and his teeth had been filed down. At the time, …

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Abandoned Dog Spent Days On An Old Sofa Waiting For Help

Dog fighting is a cruel form of animal abuse, and not just for the dogs who are supposed to be fighting. To train dogs to fight, bait dogs are often used. The pups are tied and their mouths muzzled or taped shut, with their teeth within filed down, while the other dog is ordered to …

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