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Tiny Dog Uses Her Huge Golden Retriever Brother As Her Personal Chauffeur

We have all seen some pretty short people in our day. There is nothing wrong with being short (or vertically challenged), you just have to know how to make it work for you. Bella doesn’t let her small stature prevent her from living life to its fullest! Bella, 2, has learned that being small isn’t …

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Dog Living On The Streets For 10 Years Rescued After She Is Seen On Google Maps

A couple, Patrick Pittenger and Jennifer Velazquez, came across an abandoned pooch when they were searching for directions via Google Street View – they got down there, and lo and behold, the dog was still there, and had been living like this for almost 10 years. Patrick decided to contact Eldad Hagar, who is the well-known founder …

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Rangers In Tears After Spotting Shivering Muddy Dog Chained To Cinder Block And Left To Die

While out patrolling near Longview Lake in Kansas City, Missouri, some park rangers heard a crying animal. It didn’t take them long to find a filthy yellow lab-shepherd mix tied to a cinder block. It was clear that the dog had been given a death sentence by his owners. At the vet, they discovered that …

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See The Great Dane Running Alongside The Bike? Well, Watch The Next Part… LOL!

Dogs love the outdoors, especially during walks where they stroll through nature and take  a breather of fresh air at the same time. As a pet owner myself, I love to walk my dog as well, but little did I know that there’s actually another way around conventional walking! Meet Luther the Great Dane, who …

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He Decides To Take His Own Life, Then Realizes What’s Inside His Dog’s Mouth

This is the touching tale of how a dog named Geo saved his owner Byron from taking his own life – Byron was diagnosed with severe depression, and was about to commit suicide when his best friend intervened. Byron wanted to hang himself with a noose after a night of drinking his worries away – …

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Pit Bull And Dachshund Had A Baby Together Resulting In A Strange-Looking Puppy

Dogs are one of the best animals to exist in my opinion – they make excellent companions, confidantes and even play mates. After all, a dog is a man’s (or woman’s) best friend! Thus, breeds of dogs should not even matter – regardless whether Fido is a pure-breed or mix, as one pup proves it …

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He Adopted A Senior Dog From The Shelter, But One Day It Stops On Their Walk And Looks Up At Him

A singer and songwriter  named Yusuf, nicknamed Cat Stevens has composed a very special song used in PETA’s commercials to encourage pet adoption, titled ”I Love My Dog” .  PETA also recently celebrated its 50th anniversary — making his song even more special for its National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day campaign held on 30th April …

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Coward Hides Behind Van To Beat His Dog As He Pleases

The video below is disturbing. Luckily the human monster was found and arrested for savagely beating a dog in Oldham, UK. The dog, Narla, was pulled and punched and thrown to the ground. Misha Javed is responsible for uploading the video which was shared on social media. Javed said in her post that she was …

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Rescue Dog Was So Traumatized He’d Pee When Touched, But Watch When They Muzzle Him

Dogs are loyal and loving if raised and treated properly. Dogs will love you unconditionally and forever if you treat them well. A mistreated dog is easy to recognize. They may cower when you try to touch them, or they could be aggressive. They may fall to the ground, go limp, and pee when you …

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Blind Rescue Dog Saves Drowning Teenager’s Life After Hearing Her Crying For Help

The dog in this story is a hero, he is also blind and a former shelter dog. His name is Norman, a Labrador Retriever. Norman wasn’t always blind, as the story goes, he lost his vision shortly after he had been rescued from the shelter. Eyesight wasn’t needed for Norman to jump in and save …

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