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Rescuers Heartbroken To See Severely Emaciated Dog Abandoned In Garbage Bag

This poor pup, Alexa, was surrendered to an animal shelter in Texas in a black plastic trash bag. Just one look at the dog and you can tell Alexa is uncomfortable. That is because her skin is raw and bleeding. Co-founder of Rescue Dogs Rock NYC, Stacey Silverstein took one look at the dog’s picture …

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Missing Cat After House Fire Was Found 2 Months Later By Family Dog

One day while at work, a woman named Christine Marr was alerted via phone that her house had caught fire – and its burning down fast. Devastated, Christine immediately thought of her two cats and one dog, Smoke, Ringer and Chloe – were they safe from the fire? To their surprise, firefighters found Chloe lying on …

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Mom Is On The Verge Of Tears After Seeing The Stick Her Dog Wants To Take Home

Some dogs are obsessed with playing fetch. It is remarkable how many different objects me and my dog have played fetch with over the years. My dog doesn’t care what I throw, she will fetch it! Molly, the dog in this video, has found the best stick ever to play with. Well, it isn’t so …

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Dog Spent Most Of Her Life Locked In Metal Cage, Feels Soft Bed For The First Time

Dogs that live in puppy mills endure the hardest most unnatural and cruel life imaginable. They are forced to give birth to litter after litter of puppies. The dogs don’t get to go outside and play and are often neglected and mistreated. Delilah lived in a wire cage for nine long years at a puppy …

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For 8 Years Dog Slept On Concrete Floor, But Now She Has All The Beds She Could Ever Want

Lola spent eight terrible years chained up inside a garage. She didn’t get to see the sun or feel grass under her feet. Her bed was a concrete floor, she didn’t have much human contact, and was never let out. That is no life for any animal. Lola was finally rescued by a team of …

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Cruel Owner Bound His Dog’s Muzzle Shut With A Tight Wire

I could never be an animal rescuer, I wouldn’t be able to handle seeing dogs or cats suffering. I would be so angry and so sad all at once. The dog in this photo was found in Tijuana, Mexico with serious injuries to his mouth from a wire that had been wrapped around his muzzle. …

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Rescuers Who Raided Puppy Mill Left Heartbroken To See Dog Living A Nightmare

One look at this dog and you can tell it is living a miserable existence. Rescuers found the dog, B.B., in the basement of a home. B.B.’s cage was filthy, and the basement had no ventilation. This is the life of a dog stuck in a puppy mill – this is why you adopt a …

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Devastated Dog Won’t Stop Hugging Injured Dad Who Slipped After Pruning A Tree

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see that the dog in this picture loves his dad. The man on the ground is Jesus Hueche, and he fell about 6 feet to the ground when he was pruning some trees outside his home in Argentina. Jesus hit his head on the concrete and …

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Stray Dog Finds An Abandoned Human Baby — And Her Maternal Instincts Kick In

The stray dog you see in the photo is named Way, and she lives in Argentina. As a stray no one gave her much attention until she said the life of a one-month-old child! According to reports, the infant’s mother abandoned her in an alley on a bitterly frigid winter night. Way had her own …

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Watch How This Hair Stylist Magically Fixes His Dog’s Hair After Groomer’s Mistake

Bad hair days happen. Bad haircuts also happen – and those are the worst because you have to wait a long time before the hair grows back out again! Many people take their dogs to the groomer, and we expect that our dog will come out looking good – right?! But as with human hair …

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