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Husband Pulled Over For Rushing Pregnant Wife To Hospital, But Cop’s Response Scares Them

The police are supposed to protect and serve. Sadly, sometimes, they just don’t – just watch this video from 2012. James Reiner is driving too fast – that is clear. But he had a good reason, his wife, Dana, was in active labor! There isn’t time to mess around – when the baby is coming, …

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‘Kill Em, Boy’: Man Attacked By His Own Pit Bull After Ordering Dog To Attack Police

While investigating a burglary call in Riviera Beach, Florida, police officers saw Avery Davis, 26. Davis matched the description of the suspect and police noticed that he was carrying some packages. Davis also had his dog, a Pitbull, with him. Police ordered Davis to put the packages down, and the confrontation began. Davis wasn’t going …

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Woman Accepts Ticket From Officers And Goes Home, Gets Unexpected Knock On Her Door

Random acts… by the police. In Cocoa, Florida, Deputy Sean Cronin and Field Training Officer Anthony Gonnelly went above and beyond to help a family. The officers, from Brevard County Sheriff’s Officer, reached out to a community services team to get a new car seat and groceries for a family with an infant. The family …

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Cops Who Spot A Toddler Crying In The Middle Of The Mall Make Brutal Realization

A child was found wandering a Brazilian shopping mall. Closed circuit cameras showed his parents abandoning him. What kind of a mother just leaves her child at a shopping mall? The child wasn’t alone for long, security and bystanders acted quickly. There are a lot of abandoned children living on the streets of Brazil – …

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Cops Pull Over A Truck Carrying Detergent. Then They Open A Bucket To Expose Them

Counterfeit laundry detergent? Who knew that was a thing? Well, the Los Angeles Police Department did, and they are cracking down. The LAPD confiscated 400 buckets of laundry detergent in October 2016. The fake soap was going to be placed into brand-name packages like Downy and Tide and sold for a big profit. National Geographic …

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Mom Won’t Say ‘Hi’ So 3-Year-Old Grabs The Phone And Tells The Cops To Come Over

Kids are perceptive. They pick up on little things. If you are angry or upset – your child can tell, you don’t have to say anything, they can read your body language (or the look on your face). A 3-year-old from Brick, New Jersey, called 911 when her mom wouldn’t respond to her. The 911 …

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Cops Throw Up When They See Where Cruel Mother Kept Her Son For 12 Months

Take a look at this woman. She calls herself a mother – but in reality, she is a monster. This is Brandy K. Jaynes, 36, from Tocqueville, Utah. She mercilessly locked her son in a bathroom and actually left him inside there for a year. When the boy’s father found him, he weighed just 30 …

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Cops Build Custom ‘Condo’ For Their Unofficial Mascot Who They’ve Known For Four Years!

This calico kitty has been the unofficial mascot of the Boston Police Department’s SWAT team for the last four years. That is quite an unusual job for a cat – don’t you think? As you many know, when a cat decides to do something, most of us can’t stop them! She just showed up one …

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9 Cops Sit Down In Her Section At Red Robin, Then Waitress Realizes Something Is VERY Wrong…

What do you like to do after a long, hard day? Go out or hibernate? After a long day at work, many of us like to go out to dinner to relax and unwind. We may stop off at a restaurant with some of our co-workers and have a nice dinner. Sometimes we can get …

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