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Every Child Who Visits His House Dies And There Will Be More

The saddest thing to hear about is the death of a young child. One man named Mohamed Bzeek opens his heart and his home to terminally ill children. This bushy-bearded man will take in the unwanted, sick children and foster them, so they don’t have to live out their lives in a hospital. Why would …

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11-Year-Old Girl Scalped By Carnival Ride Due To Freak Accident

Elizabeth “Lulu” Gilreath, from Nebraska, went on a carnival ride that turned out to be the worst ride of her young life. Lulu, 11, was at a local carnival enjoying the day when she decided to ride the “King’s Crown.” Tragically, during the ride her hair got stuck in the machinery and was torn off …

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12-Week-Old Girl Fell Unconscious In Her Pushchair During Shopping Trip And Never Woke Up

Gemma Williams and Jason Thomas lost their three-month-old daughter, Lexi, to a heart condition. The couple is now working to get all newborns tested for heart conditions to prevent this tragedy from happening to another family. The couple had gone shopping with their daughter when she became unresponsive. A good Samaritan who had medical training …

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7-Year-Old Arrested After Neighbors See What He’s Doing To Their Food From Roof (Video)

A seven-year-old boy in Maryland allegedly urinated on his neighbor barbecue grill from the roof of his house. There is video evidence too, and the boy faces charges of malicious destruction of property. It is more than just allegations with the video. Once word of this got out, some people are outraged that the boy …

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Couple Whipped 4-Year-Old Bloody, Made Him Drink Urine And Sleep In Dog Kennel

A four-year-old boy was locked in a dog kennel by his parents, and he was forced to drink urine. The East Texas couple, Matthew and Randa McMahon have been arrested and charged with first-degree injury to a child and are being held on $200,000 bond. Randa is the boy’s stepmother and reportedly withheld water from …

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Dad Replaces His Son’s Lost Lunchbox With Toolbox Upsetting Mom Until She Flips It Over

The dad in this video lost his son’s lunchbox, and his wife was rather upset about it. She was so upset she kicked him out of the house and told him to go get another one! As a dutiful husband, he went to the store but was shocked at the prices they were charging for …

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Lively 2-Year-Old Dies Days After Getting Sick. Now Parents Are Alerting Others About The Disease That Killed Her

The story of Kenley Ratliff is a short, sad story. Tragically, Kenley’s life ended when she was just two-years-old. Like many children her age, Kenley loved to go to the park and play in the grass. When Kenley started to run a fever, her parents took her to the emergency room two separate times, but …

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Woman Charged With Child Abuse After Pulling Son’s Teeth Out With Pliers At Wal-Mart

Why some people do the things, they do never ceases to amaze me. According to the Daily Mail, a 47-year-old Utah mother took her seven-year-old son into a bathroom at Walmart and pulled out two of his teeth with needle-nose pliers – without any anesthesia. Jeannine Isom had just purchased the pliers and some hand …

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7-Year-Old Boy Left With Detached Fingertip After Teacher Slammed It To Door

A young first-grade student only known by the name Willie may lose a portion of his finger after his teacher reportedly slammed it in a classroom door. The incident occurred at the Hillsborough County School District at Cahoon Elementary Magnet School in Tampa. Can you imagine being called at work to hear that your child …

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8-Year Old Given Wrong Medication At School Says Nurse Wouldn’t Listen

We trust that the health professionals in our children’s school are capable of handling medical situations. Right?! They went to school and studied medicine and have the ability to handle minor emergencies – and at the very least, they can dispense medications. Sadly, they don’t always do the right thing. An 8-year-old girl in Iowa …

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