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Woman Creates Ladder For Stray Cats So They Can Come Home To Escape The Bitter Cold!

There are millions of stray animals that roam our city streets. Stray animals are not just a problem here in the United States. Nearly every country on the face of the earth has unwanted or discarded animals that have no home. What do they do when the weather gets cold? They have to find shelter …

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Father Cat Lets Mama Cat Know That He Won’t Leave Her Side After Their Kids Are Born!

Being a mom (or a dad) isn’t easy – just ask one! Once you get over the pain of childbirth, the ‘real’ work begins! There are the feedings in the wee hours of the morning and stinky diaper changes. It is not a sign of weakness to ask for help. Most loving people would be …

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14-Year-Old Boy Who Rushed To Save Cat Hanging Over A Bridge Gives Him A New Home

If you have a pet that you don’t want – give it to someone who does. Take it to a shelter. Erin Brown and her 14-year-old son, Gavin, were on their way to a birthday party on February 12 when they saw a heartless person throw a cat out of the window of a moving …

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New Collar Can Actually Translate What Your Cat Is Thinking — But You Might Not Want To Hear It!

The Catterbox is being billed as the cat collar that talks. It is reportedly allowing owners to hear what their cats are saying. Two London-based creative agencies and Temptations Lab are the creators of the Catterbox. But, wait – what? I will be able to hear my cat talk and actually understand what they …

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50 Dogs Have Funniest Reactions When Bengal Cat Walks Into Dog Show

Boomer the Bengal cat who is highly acquainted to how canines socialize, thanks to his friend Didja! His owner is a professional animal trainer, and has trained the pair beautifully! He has no shortage of praises for his dearest feline, too! Calling Boomer an “amazingly beautiful” but mischievous cat who requires a lot of exercise and patience, …

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Munchkin Cats: The Cats That Stay Kittens Forever

Check out this cutie! This is a newer breed of cat called the Munchkin. As you can see, it has short legs that are the result of a naturally occurring genetic mutation, according to The legs on a Munchkin are slightly bowed and are usually half as long as a non-Munchkin cat. It is …

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Orphaned Kittens Found In A Barn With Very Unusual Markings

The two kittens you see here were found by Alicia Jones in Gaston, Indiana. Alicia noticed that the kittens were so young that they hadn’t opened their eyes yet. The tiny kittens were both premature. She also noticed that they had some unusual markings. Check out those stripes! They look like an exotic breed of …

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15 Bully Cats Just Stole Dog Beds And Aren’t About To Give Them Back

No one likes a bully, in the following photos we don’t have just one bully – we have 15. Fifteen cats have taken over the household, and the poor family dog is the ‘victim.’ This, of course, is all in good fun. Those of us who have a cat know that they will do what …

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Firefighters Rushed Into Home To Find Dog Lying On Top Of 4 Kittens To Protect Them From Fire

This story is about a dog – a selfless canine who risked himself to protect those weaker than he. Four kittens, to be exact. He saved the litter of felines from a fire by protecting them within the smoke and ashes of the burning house. Firefighters tried to get him out first. Leo wouldn’t budge – he …

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When You See This Kitten Kissing Her New Best Friend — Your Heart Will Melt

People often think that cats are meant to chase mice. They also chase birds – or do they? Can cats never truly get along with their feathered friends? One pair proves that friendship knows no bounds by cuddling together in a comfortable fashion! In this story, a kitten cuddles up to a chick – plus, …

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