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Guy Who Can’t Stop Rescuing And Adopting Pets Lets Us See His Home!

Think you’re an animal lover? Wait till you meet Lee Asher! He’s just a normal guy, but at the same time, he has a grand total of nine rescue pets – he just can’t stop adopting! Asher has always known he wanted to help animals, and as a child, he spent hours at his local shelter. …

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This Kitten Patiently Waiting To Get On His Bed Is More Human Than Anyone!

Beds are extremely important for us humans to wind down for the day and recharge for the next day with precious beauty sleep or naps. But did you know that even animals can love their beds just as much as we could? Meet the little yet funny kitten who does! A kitten stand up on …

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Man Terrified Of Cats Gets Tied Down. Then His Worst Nightmare Begins To Take Shape

Phobias are an extreme or irrational fear that people have about something. There are a lot of different phobias like fear of water, fear of public places, fear of spiders. They all have fancy and complicated names too (like agoraphobia or arachnophobia). A person with a phobia will go to great lengths to avoid the …

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When This Cat’s Best Friend Died Of Cancer, Her Reaction Broke Everyone’s Hearts

Did you know that cats and dogs, despite what is depicted on cartoons and in books, can actually be the bestest of friends? Yes – they’re no longer ‘natural enemies’, but depend on one another for emotional support instead! Meet Scout, a cat who share a very precious bond with her canine best friend, Charlie …

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When Her Boyfriend Left, She Was Devastated – Then She Found This Little Creature

Meet Rylee Rae, who recently broke up with her boyfriend. Her former beau made a clean cut – as he moved out, bringing their two hairless cats with him. Rylee was left alone, with no animal or human to accompany her. She loved hairless cats, and wanted to open up her home to one once …

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9 Cats Enjoy Exploring Cardboard Box Maze Their Human Made For Them

Can you truly count – how many cats are playing in the cardboard box in which they play hide-and-seek from? These nine cats have a great time – cardboard boxes equate to play time! This video from a Japanese YouTuber is centered on the cat named Taro. If you’d watch carefully, Taro is seen jumping …

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He Was Shocked To Find A Frozen Cat On The Porch, But Then He Noticed Her Paw…

Out in the cold winter as well as the extreme heat, you’ll never know when human help is needed – to save a poor little one from dying on the streets. The harsh temperatures accompanied by unpredictable weather often bear ill will for canines and felines who struggle to survive on their own – without …

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Neighbor’s Cats Wanted To Go Out, But It Wasn’t Safe. — So They Did Something Epic!

Household pets, particularly cats, have a nasty habit of running away and then getting into danger – especially if they do not know the way home. Or that there are actually extremely bad people around – and they will do more than just physical harm to your beloved pet. One woman has constantly worried about …

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How These Dogs Behave When They Find Cats ‘Stealing’ Their Beds Will Make You Laugh!

You either like cats or you don’t. Cats are not like dogs. Most cats do not like to go outside on leash or get belly rubs. Cats probably won’t greet you at the door when you come home from work. But, cats do like to sit in front of the computer screen when you are …

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Vets Told Him That They Couldn’t Save This Cat, So He Took Matters Into His Own Hands

The power of the internet and the power of love. A stray cat was hit by a car in Bogor, Indonesia. Muslihudin “Uli” Sharbine found the cat and wasn’t going to let it just suffer. He scooped up the cat and put it on his scooter. Then rode through the along the winding mountainside – …

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