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Cat Dances To ‘Can’t Stop The Feeling’ In This Awesome Music Video

In 2016, Justin Timberlake released the song “Can’t Stop the Feeling.” There was a music video too. It featured Justin Timberlake and a what appears to be a collection of ordinary people and dancing. They dance in the supermarket, on the street, and even in a parking lot. The video below is the CAT dancing …

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Cat Loses Best Friend To Cancer And Will Not Leave Her Side

Losing a friend is difficult for everyone, including animals. Pets are just as touched by the loss of their families as humans, and they often grieve for them, too. When Chuey passed away due to jaw cancer, her owners decided to show their other cat Big Boy her body. This was to ensure that he …

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8 Kittens Who Hadn’t Eaten In 24 Hours Were Found Cuddling Each Other For Warmth

Not having a meal after a day, these eight orphaned kittens were found in a garden huddling together for warmth in South Africa. Only three days old, they could not fend for themselves without proper care. The Kitten Cottage personnel in Malmesbury, Western Cape rescued and took care of them. The kittens were bottle-fed by …

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Boy Decides To Hold A Special Wedding — For His Neighbor’s And His Own Cat

Earlier on in April, Ashley Shields found a handmade scribble in her letterbox – it was a wedding invitation courtesy of her 11-year-old neighbor named Brady. She was invited to a wedding – and it involved his very own cat, Pedro and another named Silver. Silver and Pedro have been revealed to be in love with …

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Watch How A Wandering Cat Walks Over And Reacts To The Smell Of Fresh Coffee! (Video)

Coffee, although toxic to both cats and dogs, has an amazing smell. It wakes you up and provides you with a good dose of caffeine to power up your day – after all, who doesn’t enjoy a steaming good old cup of ‘O’ Joe? Not this cat! One cat has clearly shown her great dislike …

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Pictures Of 15 Cats That Went Viral On The Internet This Year

Cats are funny creatures – they are extremely mobile, flexible and even quirky! They can hide anywhere, in anything. This picture below illustrates why – as well as 14 other cats who do the silliest and funniest things! I can understand the agony of losing your pet, but what if your pet never left but …

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She Calls The Cats, But See How They Respond To Her… You Won’t Stop Laughing!

Cats are adorable creatures, if I may say so – they are surely unique, and every cat is different! As demonstrated in the animated classic by Disney, ‘The Artisocats’, cats of every kind and breed get along and even share the same traits! But what if a whole bunch of cats were ‘against’ something? Meet …

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2 Stray Cat Moms Give Birth On Woman’s Patio, Surprising Her With 8 Babies!

Let’s have a quick math review. What is two plus eight? If you said ten – you are correct! That is how many cats came to one woman’s house. The woman had been feeding two stray siblings – the next thing she knew they had brought over their eight kittens! The two momma cats are …

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Cats Who Are Determined To Nap Wherever They Want, No Matter Who’s In The Way

Cats are infamous – they are known for their ability to sleep on anyone, anywhere at anytime. Which means that Lucifer can even nap on you! And perhaps, his canine friends – these pictures below show you the sleeping patterns of how cats in general, sleep on dogs! No bed? No problem – Fido is …

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Doctors Find Massive Fur Ball Inside A Woman’s Vagina

This story is a little disturbing, but everyone should at least be aware of it. Michelle Barrow was experiencing some abdominal discomfort. She went to her gynecologist, and during the exam, he discovered some strange hairs. Barrow shared her story in September 2015 with XOJane, a women’s magazine. The doctor thought maybe the fibers were …

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