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Poor Cat Who Was Doused In Acid Lost One Eye, But Continues To Love And Trust

If there was ever a penalty for being friendly – Thomas has paid it in full. Thomas’ full name is Sir Thomas Trueheart, and he was living life as a stray in California. He got that name because even though he was terribly mistreated – he still loves humans. As a stray, Thomas got acid …

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Man Comes Across A Hungry Kitten Crying For Help. 3 Months Later She Surprised Everyone

It is not everyday you are asked to be a hero. Being a hero doesn’t always mean you will make headlines though. Some of us do little things each day that make a difference. A smile or a hello to a stranger can brighten their day (and it can make you feel good too). Even …

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Rescue Cat Turns Her Crooked Jaw Into A Beautiful Smile

The cat pictured here has an odd smile. The cat, named Duchess, was hit by a car in El Paso, Texas, and the impact messed up her jaw, but Dr. Meyer thought he could fix it. But given the severity of the accident and her overall health Duchess was given only a 20% chance of …

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Young Woman Tragically Dies After Trying To Save Her Cats From A Burning House

Some people would do anything – anything for their pets. Most pet owners treat their pets to toys, beds, and long walks. But other pet owners take it a step further and take their pets to the doggie spa, make home cooked meals, and take their pets on vacations with them! There are even clothing …

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Man Conducts A Hilarious Experiment To Figure Out Why His Cat Sits In The Same Spot Every Day

What do a circle and a cat have in common? I know what you are thinking – cats and circles have very little in common. Ordinarily, you would be correct, but not today! A circle is a shape and is often said to have no end and no beginning. A domesticated cat is an animal …

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This Cat Has A Tendency To Kidnap Puppies. Then They Followed Her To See Why…

What possible reason would a cat have for stealing puppies? Can you think of any? The only reason would be that the mother dog wasn’t taking care of her babies. Some animal mothers are unstable or inexperienced, and they don’t know who to take care of their own litter. If the animal was bred too …

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Kitty Thinks That Its Owner Is Drowning In The Bathtub. Its Reaction Is Taking The Internet By Storm.

I wish I could talk to my pets and get a response I understood. I would like to know why my dog feels the need to take all the stuffing out of her dog toys. Why does my cat have to walk between me and my computer screen all day? Maybe someday, I will get …

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Some Years Ago, A Couple Rescued A 5-Year-Old Cat From Their Backyard. 141 Years Later…

They say age is just a number. But for some – that number can be really a large number! In cat years, he is 141 years old! In human years, he is 31! For a cat, that is an amazing feat! It was 26 years ago that the family brought in the stray cat that …

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Stranger Comes Across A Tick Infested Blind Kitten. Two Months Later…

Sometimes you just need a second chance for things to work out. Sometimes that second chance is what may just save your life. In November 2016, a tiny kitten was found covered in ticks and badly infected eyes. A Good Samaritan brought the kitten to Dr. Matt, who said the kitten would be blind. They …

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2 Cats Approach An Orphaned Monkey And Teach Him The Beautiful Meaning Of Life

Not everyone grows up knowing the love of their parents. People and animals alike – we all have parents. But, for one reason or another, some babies never get to know one or either of their birth parents. The little monkey in this story lost his mother. His name is Horace, and he lives in …

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