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Cat Freaks Out And Expresses His Feelings When Family Brings Home His New ‘Sibling’!

A hissy fit is when you have a tantrum or an outburst of negative emotion. Cats are often said to have hissy fits because they actually hiss when they get upset. Have you ever seen a hissy fit? They are usually not pretty. The kitty, Cato, in this video is about to have a hissy …

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Animal Shelter Couldn’t Afford To Make A Real Commercial So They Did This Instead

People think that if they buy a pet from the pet store they are getting a ‘good’ quality pet. But what most people don’t realize is that the dogs and cats in pet stores probably came from a puppy mill (or a kitten mill). Puppy mills are horrible places where mother dogs are forced to …

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Rescuers Didn’t Know ‘Kitten’ Rescued From A Raccoon Trap Isn’t Really A Kitten At All

Do you ever wish your pets could talk to you and tell you what they are thinking? They could tell us when they are sick instead of us trying to guess. A stray animal could tell us where they came from. Picture this. A junkyard in Texas. Full of dirty discarded things. In this junkyard …

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This Kitten Was Born Without Elbow Joints. Months Later Her Transformation Is Incredible!

Being the runt of the litter is not generally a good thing. You are smaller than everyone else and may have a harder time reaching milestones. Roo Russ was the runt of her litter and to add insult to that label, she was also born without elbow joints. In April 2016, Roo and two of …

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Cat Brings Home A Baby Bunny One Morning. Then Family See Her Feeding Her ‘Little One’

Once a momma, always a momma. That mothering instinct is always there. That doesn’t mean, though, that you always have to care for babies that are the same species as you. Take Snaggle Puss for example. Snaggle Puss has taken charge of a little bunny named Bubbles. Sadly, Bubbles lost her mother when his was …

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Rescuers Found Two Kittens Wrapped Around Their Sick Sister To Keep Her Warm

Animals just have this sense. They know when a human or another animal is sick. When I was younger, our sheltie would sleep under our beds and follow us around the house if we stayed home sick from school. The three kittens in this photo were found by Megan Sorbara just like this, all huddled …

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Cat Notices A Bug On The Wall. Now Turn Up The Volume To Hear The Sound He’s Making

Did you ever watch your cat when they see birds outside? They make this little chittering noise. Their entire body becomes motionless. All they see is the bird – and then they make that sound. The first time you hear it, you may think you cat is sick or something! The kitty in this video …

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Woman Throws A Metal Spoon Across The Floor, But I’ve Never Seen A Cat React Like This!

We all know that many dogs like to play fetch (I have met a few dogs who refuse to fetch). Seems like a silly game really, but dogs seem to enjoy it. Cat owners know that most cats will not fetch. Cats will chase a tiny red laser dot, though, and that is loads of …

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Saddest Cat In The World Nobody Wanted Was Adopted By A Couple

One hour is all it took to transform this sad cat into a happy ball of orange fur. Introducing Benben. He had been called the saddest cat on the internet during the days he spent at the shelter. Shelter workers think Benben had been attacked by another animal, he had some deep cuts, a cauliflower …

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Man Pretends He Wants To Share Food With His Cat. But The Cat’s Response Is Perfect!

We are all taught at a young age that sharing with others is nice. At least I hope that we all were taught to share. Some people have a hard time sharing. I mean, what if you are eating the last of the Oreos? It can be so hard to share something with another person …

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