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This Kitten Was Moments From Death, But How Her Life Turned Will Leave You Happy

The following story is due to overpopulation and human neglect – animals who aren’t spayed or neutered causes young animals to be subsequently abandoned after their mothers give birth. These infant animals have little to no chance in surviving on the harsh streets. Feline newborn Iris is no exception. Found on the streets in the …

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Garbagemen Who Were About To Haul Trash, Found A Dying Kitten Dumped Inside Their Truck

Did you know that everyday bravery could possibly save the life of another? This story of three garbagemen and a kitten, proves this. Two garbagemen were out doing their usual job routine – clearing trash bins all around the neighborhood. Suddenly, they heard a sharp yet faint mew. It came from the pile of trash …

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Tiny Kitten Sits On Bed Waiting For Her Favourite Song To Play (Video)

Do you have a favorite song? One that makes you stop everything you are doing turn up the volume, and dance? I think we all have at least one song that speaks to us on a deep level. The words resonate in our hearts and minds. The melody can take you back to another time …

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When This Kitty Gets Tired, He Heads On To His Favorite Couch And Does The Cutest Thing!

Have you ever been so tired that you just fall asleep the moment you slip under the covers? Some people say that they were asleep before their head hit the pillow. I have never experienced that – but, I do know that sometimes, you just crash. Your body can’t take anymore, and it shuts down …

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Dog Instructed To Bring Home Their Cat Does It In The Most Hilarious Way

If you have a dog, you may have them under voice control. You can open the door and let them go outside to do their business. When they are done, they may come back in on their own or wander around the yard a bit. If your dog is under voice control, you can call …

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They Bring Home A Prairie Dog And Introduce Their Cat. But They Weren’t Prepared For This Reaction!

A prairie dog is a herbivore native to the North American grasslands. These burrowing rodents prefer to live underground in warrens and tunnels, according to the National Geographic. Within their underground homes, they have ‘rooms’ for the baby, sleeping, and toilets! They can often be seen during the day foraging for seeds, roots, and grass. …

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Stray Cat Spots A Trap. Then Lures Kittens Into It So They Can Be Rescued

Ali is a cat. A male cat that was taking care of some kittens. Sarah Chelskea and Crystal Mackey found Ali in a trap they had set up near a cat colony. They set the trap to gather up some of the kittens. The kind people from CatRescue901, in Terrey Hills, New South Wales, Australia, …

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How Five Fur Siblings Fawn Over Their New Baby Brother Will Touch Your Heart

Can cats, dogs and humans live under one roof in true harmony and peace? One family has relived the extraordinary by doing so. Meet the family of 4 dogs and 1 cat – Edith, Jake, Rosie, Roxy and Mia. The pack of 5 fur kids are owned by both 28 year-old Kasey Boggs and her husband. They …

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They Tell Their Dog To Pick Out A Friend At The Shelter. What They Come Home With Is The BEST!

Most of us don’t get to pick our siblings. We just ‘get’ them automatically. If I could have chosen my siblings, I would have wanted a sister! Instead, I got two brothers – two great ones as it turns out! Christina and Vincent adopted a Tamaskan (bred from Siberian Huskies and German Shepherds) puppy and …

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Baby Notices Cat Using A Walker. But No One Was Prepared For What The Camera Captured!

It is said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. We all know that young babies learn mostly through imitation. They see us do something and immediately try to do it themselves. Young children are amazing little sponges that are fascinating to watch! They pick up things very quickly (both good and the not …

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