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After Their Dog Passed Away, They Entered The Room To Find Their Cat Doing…

Cats and dogs can get along. Most pet owners will tell you that. Not all cats and dogs get along, however. All animals feel. They feel joy, and they feel sadness. One Reddit user posted pictures of the family cat next to a statue of a dog. The statue was made in honor of the …

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This Baby Suddenly Becomes So Excited That The Cat Is Left Completely Confused!

If you have ever spent time with infants, you know that they are quite hilarious. They make the funniest facial expressions and react in unexpected ways. The same can be said about cats and dogs! The infant in this video has seen something and started to wave his arms and legs around. The cat sitting …

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Soldier Captures Moments Of Stray Cat Choosing Him To Be His Forever Human

Anyone who owns an animal (cat or dog) will tell you that their animals can tell if a person is ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ A good person is someone who likes pets and won’t get upset if they find pet hair on their freshly washed black pants. A bad person is not that kind of person. …

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It Looks Like She’s Locked Outside — But Watch When Her Human Opens the Door

On YouTube, Alexander Fredriksen’s cat Nala documented his time with his favorite feline via a video series ‘Living with Nala’. One of the videos showed his cat seeking affection in the mid of the cold winter! Winter is probably Nala’s favourite season – and its reason is perhaps simpler than you’d think! Check out how loving …

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She Took Him To The Shelter With Tears In Her Eyes. 20 Minutes Later She Saw A Miracle

Ann lives in Mississippi and has the pleasure of rescuing several dogs. One night while she was out with one of her dogs they spotted something in a bush. Ann recalls that many pets will just be dropped off in the neighborhood. She figured this was the latest unwanted pet. It was – and he …

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This Cat Got Burned In The Fire, But What He Does To Other Animals Is Heartwarming!

Russell, the ginger cat, suffered some terrible burns in a fire. He was rushed to the Animal Emergency Hospital and Urgent Care Clinic in North Carolina for treatment. He was just barely hanging on and was in extreme pain. During his recovery at the shelter, Russell met a rescued fawn named Darla. The two hit …

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Can You Help Identify This Monster Who’s Dragging A Cat By The Neck?

We need to all be the voice for animals that are mistreated. They cannot speak for themselves – speak up for them. Just look at this photo. Can you believe this? Who does she think she is? This photo was taken in Los Angeles, and as you can see the cat is literally being dragged …

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Before This Spoiled Cutie Goes To Sleep, She Does The Most Adorable Thing Ever!

Do you have a bedtime routine? Brush teeth, put on PJs, jump into bed – or something like that! Kids like routines too. So do our pets. You know when it is time for dinner at our house because the two dogs will start to hover. The three cats will appear out of nowhere and …

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Hen Protects Abandoned Kittens By Sitting On Them Like An Egg

Do you know any chickens? Me either! Not many people have much experience with live chickens. It is generally an insult for someone to call you a chicken. But as for the animal, what are they really like? We know they lay eggs and cluck. They are often hunted and eaten by foxes, humans, and …

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They Spot A ‘Lifeless’ Kitten Frozen To The Ground. Then They Bring Him Back To Life!

Lazarus is being called a miracle kitten. Why? Because they found him frozen in the yard and brought him back to life! It was Thanksgiving day when Branden Bingham found the tiny cat in his yard. The cat appeared to be lifeless. They brought him in and did everything they could to bring him back. …

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