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23-Year-Old Cat Surrendered To The Shelter In Her Golden Years Finds Love Once Again

This gray cat was 23-years-old when she was dropped off at a shelter. Her name is Ora. Ora had lived with her human family since 1994 and was surrendered for an unknown reason to a shelter in Chicago. The only thing the man said when he dropped her off was that Ora was peeing outside …

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How This Kitty Reacts When He Gets Some Ol’ Fashioned Belly Rubs Will Make You Laugh!

Who is ready for a good old-fashioned belly rub? Most people don’t really like that. But there are many dogs who would happily accept that offer. I haven’t met many cats who enjoy getting a belly rub. Yes, my cats will roll over on their backs and expose their belly – but that doesn’t mean …

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He Visited This Supermarket Everyday For 6 Years. Then They Decide To Pay Him A Lovely Tribute

This is Brutus. He was the beloved Morrison’s supermarket cat. For about six years, Brutus could be found running up and down the aisles of the supermarket in Saltney, UK. He would greet the customers and bask in the sun. According to customers, he had a ‘cheeky’ attitude that delighted everyone young and old alike! …

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Cat Kept Escaping His Cage. Then Vets Set Up A Camera To Catch Him In The Act!

Cats are amazing. They can jump, run, and get themselves into the smallest of places. Cat owners will also tell you that cats are smart. They can solve problems, and that means they get into a lot of trouble! The cat in the video below is Chamallow (Marshmallow). He is a Houdini cat that kept …

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Cat Almost Died Because Someone Didn’t Like His Claws

Declawing your cat may seem like an ideal solution to ending the destruction of your carpet, furniture, and your legs and arms. But did you know that the procedure is NOT just removing a claw? Declawing your cat is basically amputating the last digit on their paws. Imagine your fingers getting cut off just below …

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Woman Brings New Cat Home But Wasn’t Prepared To See This Reaction From Her Pit Bull

When Pickle, a Sphynx cat, and her siblings arrived at the ASPCA in New York, they were in terrible shape. The three-week-old kittens all had terrible upper respiratory infections. Pickle was the only one that survived. But she had a list of conditions: hypoglycemia, extreme corneal ulcers, and respiratory concerns. Dr. Danielle Delfino met and …

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Cat Brothers Who Hadn’t Seen Each Other For 2 Years Reunite On A Human Date

The hope of animal shelter workers is to keep bonded animals together – but it doesn’t always work. It would be great if we didn’t have to split up families or loved ones at animal shelters, but it can’t be helped in many cases. This story is almost too hard to believe! Ozzy and his …

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Cat Who Was Adopted After Being Surrendered Won’t Sleep Until Mom Holds His Paw

Jamie had to go to the shelter when his owner moved into a nursing home. Jamie was a senior cat at the age of 13 when he arrived at the RSPCA Australia. Senior cats and dogs often have a hard time finding a new home. Jamie had some health issues when he first arrived. He …

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Cops Build Custom ‘Condo’ For Their Unofficial Mascot Who They’ve Known For Four Years!

This calico kitty has been the unofficial mascot of the Boston Police Department’s SWAT team for the last four years. That is quite an unusual job for a cat – don’t you think? As you many know, when a cat decides to do something, most of us can’t stop them! She just showed up one …

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This Cat Has Been In The Shelter For Over 400 Days, So Staff Come Up With A Plan

We all know that there are 365 days in a year (unless it is a leap year). There are 52 weeks and 12 months in a year. The bottom line is that a year is a long time. Champas can tell you it is a long time to have to wait. Champas has been waiting …

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